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RE: Do Dogs Have Souls?

in #philosophy6 years ago

I agree, and at the top of it, in most cases They can protect you too if needed. This is what scares me most of times, But of course if they are your friends they wont attack you.
Am feeling for the emotional part you said, it will be nice to have someone give you all their attention in the evening when you get back tired from your job , and it could make your day


Your pet will form a bond with you when you care for it and it becomes impossible for it to do anything to hurt you. Some very hateful people will beat their animal and even torture it and the animal will allow it to happen and do nothing in return. That makes some people feel brave and superior and are cruel just to make themselves feel better.

Your dog will never hurt you if you take care of it. Many people do not understand how trusting and totally loyal a dog can be.

If you do not know about Hachiko, read about him. It is a true story about a dog being bonded to his master.

My favorite dog story of all time is about Grayfrier's Bobby. A true story that will warm even the coldest heart.

That's very cruel from human beings side and very honest and adorable from dogs side. Torturing someone who doesn't do anything in return just to feel Superior is just sad. We human beings are so not on track anymore

Thank you for the great story links. Will read them in a while and let you know what I felt about it.

Yes, it is sad that people hurt animals because they enjoy it. Those people are defective and are of no use to human kind.

How do we enjoy being cruel to someone who has no reply in return, it's just sad nd unjust

Yes, both sad and unjust because harm is done by people who are broken.

Pets are our friends, they listen to us and share love. I just feel sad about them being beaten up just because someone is broken for some other reason

I feel the same way. Every story of cruelty I hear makes me very sad for the animal and very angry at the person who created the pain. Anyone who will hurt an animal on purpose will also hurt another person without hesitation.

I agree, People need to understand that hurting someone just because they are broken is not the way they should be getting out of their troubles, They are setting a wrong trend here, People will keep hurting others and they will hurt others and we will never get to see a happy set of people. Peace and Love should be the way one should spend their life on

it will be nice to have someone give you all their attention in the evening when you get back tired from your job

If it is a small dog, it will go to sleep in your lap when you sit to read or watch television. It is very relaxing to feel a soft creature breathing gently and trusting you. You are never alone and the company is always pleasant!

This is very cute, you always have company and you feel trusted on. Someone in the world still exists who gives it's all to you and wants nothing in return but just Love. Love still exists

Yes, and that is the very special gift that dogs bring to our long relationship.

I just returned from walking the dogs in the park. Now, sitting at the computer, I have three of them within one meter of me: Bella, Coco, and Mike, all sound asleep on the floor next to my chair. This is Bella, one of the two Havanese females we adopted from a rescue shelter a month ago.


Wow she is beautiful <3
You seem to be giving them some quality company, walking them in the park sounds lovely. They would love u double in return for sure .
Bring mice and Coco on steemit , waiting....

Bella, Coco, and Mike on our morning walk at the park today.


they look beautiful,don't like them tied up though. Can they be trained in a way they won't need someone controlling them and move beside us freely? just a thought

Oh..I never tie them. I put their leashes on the post so I could take a picture of all three of them together. I have never tied an animal.

The park rules require that animals be on leashes while walking. That is to keep pets separated because some are a lot more aggressive and larger and play too roughly, and that can injure small or older pets.

Mine get very excited with I get their leashes because they know they will get a walk and they walk easily with them on. Each leash is retractable and will go out to 10 meters, so they get to walk around and smell whatever they are interested in. At home, we have a small door they can leave through and the back is fenced in, so they have all the freedom they can use. They can be inside or outside as they please.

Yes, they can be trained to walk next to their person, but even then, the park rules require a leash. When I walk in our neighborhood, Mike walks next to me without a leash, but the new dogs, Bella and Coco, are still in training, so it will be a while before they can learn the rules.

I didn't know much rules, never had any dogs personally so i just got too excited may be and felt for the dogs, Glad that its just the park rule and they have all the liberty when they are home and can stay inside or outside as they want.
Rules are understandable too since its for the safety of all the pets. Thank you for clearing this up

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