Time: The Most Valuable Gift That We Can SharesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Today Is A Gift

"Yesterday's History, Tomorrow's a Mystery, and Today is a Gift."

It is anyone's guess who said these remarkable words first, but what is truly important is the message.

I'll leave this open to your own interpretation and spare you mine. What matters is what these words mean to you. And to many; time is money. So, I will try not to waste much here.

My intention of this post is to highlight the importance of the Gift that is Time.

Time Is The Greatest Gift That Anyone Can Give

We have one thing in common; our time is finite. Our time here in our flesh is precious to us. We are all currently limited to the amount of time we each will have here within our living vessels. So, this means that our time is valuable. I would argue that it's the most precious asset that any of us have. Without any time left - we expire.

Killing Time

How time is spent matters. After all, it is a valuable asset and should be utilized accordingly. If we choose to "Live Fast", then we are essentially up in the club making it rain with a bank that begins to diminish from the moment we are born. Once the bank of time is empty, that's all folks. It is wise to treat your time as if it means something to you. It is yours. Don't kill it.

Spend it doing something that will resonate beyond your physical presence here on Earth. Invest it wisely and it might leave a legacy far greater than you can imagine right now. Once time is spent, it is spent.

Give Time To Others, But Always Keep Some For Yourself

Don't give it all away! Taking time for ourselves is vital to our growth and development. Developing skills and learning is a life-long experience; and that takes time. That is time out of the bank. If you want to become an expert at something, that might mean saving a bit more time for yourself and giving less time away to others.

In a recent article by a professional in the PI field, @finnian, he mentions something I'd like to share with you. He said:

The more you work at your craft, the sooner you'll master it. Once you have mastered it, you continue to work at your skills to become a better master. By being a master at your craft, you have a very high value in the market. It isn't hard to become a master at something either. It just takes effort. Read Full Article - Written By Finnian Cornelison>

Without investing the time in ourselves, we cannot achieve greatness, we cannot master our craft, and we cannot reach our full potential. It is vital to each of us, but also to the world when we consider how our actions affect the world around us.


No matter how much time you've got left, just be sure to remember that each day is a gift. The only thing in life that is guaranteed is *death*. Time that we have today should be viewed as a gift, an asset, and as something to be cherished. Use time to do good in the world. Use it to better yourself. That's enough to keep this mud-ball spinning around nicely.

Give your gift wisely and be careful with whom you share it.

I hope that I've been able to add some value to your time by reading this. Please let me know your thoughts below!

Thank you for reading and THANK YOU for Your Time.


Written with a kickass & free markdown tool called StackEdit.


... the only guarantees we have in life are tax and death. So true that time seems to pass us by most of the time. Appreciating the moment is the challenge. Great article and thanks for posting
tax death.jpg

That's the truth! We are guaranteed both, Death & Taxes. Very suitable imagery 😎🤘🏻 Thanks for your time.

Thanks! Time is our most valuable resource. Your post is an excellent reminder of that fact.

As we were discussing early in a different thread, I'm not always the best at self-discipline either. I have to use tasks and other reminders, and it almost always takes me longer to finish my goals than I had first planned.

What makes me different from a lot of people I know though is that I continue taking steps forward even if they are baby ones!

"Taking steps is easy, standing still is hard."* To some at least.. You're amongst the few my friend. Always moving forward. I have seen your progress over quite a few years and admire your tenacious drive. Keep that fire lit @finnian 🔥 *Reference: Regina Spektor - You've Got Time

My friends have helped tremendously. It helps to know you're not advancing alone. :)

I can say the same! It is great to have friends that hoist you up a rung on the ladder as they climb; sure beats the ones that hold you down forever. It feels good to see good people doing well. #lifeisgood

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