
Exactly this. Yet they try to convince us that one is good, and the other is bad.

The point in a democracy is not the rule of many. It is the involvement of the many in the choosing what rule is enacted.
The more people are influentially involved, the more "civil" the rules get.

In both dictatorship and democracy the people who are not influential do not decide the policies and such are frequently not included in the positive things.
That is for example the reason why refugees and homeless are frequently overlooked in policies (that would benefit them). They either have no influence or are a so minor group it would be too costly to include them.

In a way that is also true for children. Politics never aims to benefit children. It only aims to benefit parents (if saying "I love children sooo much!!" is not enough) because they can vote.

And that is also the reason why farmers are a very influential group in certain countries. Because they are not only naturally important (food) but they are also a very homogeneous, basically single-issue group.
Dole out big money on farmers and you have 2-5% of the electorate or even more. There is no other group that is so "effective".
Nearly everything else has more people you have to spend money on (which gets questioned, money for farmers seldom gets questioned) or the money also benefits your rival's supporters.

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