Fake people and friendships...

in #philosophy7 years ago


I have never had many friends, simply because I don't easily trust people. I am very cautious about who I invite into my personal space, and you can call me somewhat of a loner. I don't mind being alone, and I am not angry at myself, so I actually enjoy spending time with myself.  

Perhaps I have been hurt so many times by people pretending to be my friends, that I have learned my lesson. I see myself as a trustworthy person and if I make friends with someone, then it means that I really trust you. I have made quite a few real friends here on Steemit and with all honesty I can say that I appreciate these people more than they could ever imagine. 

Has anyone ever lied to you in your face?

Recently I have caught out one of my so called real friends lying to me. It doesn't matter how small the lie is, but if you have the guts to lie to me in my face, then I have the guts to unfriend you. It is sad that things turned out this way, but I honestly do not have time to put up with someone that can't be honest. I would much rather be alone and happy than to be unhappy with a fake friend. 

I don't have the time and the energy to waste on people that actually don't want to give you the time of day. This made me wonder a little about why have people become so selfish?

What happened to compassion towards others?  These days it is all about me and how I can benefit instead of trying to help others in every possible way. Some people  just don't care about anyone or anything except themselves!      

Isn't it funny how some people just never contact you until they need something from you? Months go by without a single word, and then all of a sudden when they need you for something, THEN they suddenly contact you with long sorry excuses. It's all about me me me! 


This brings me back to trustworthy. Trust ...that's another issue....what do you see as trustworthy?  

To be trustworthy is to be honest and truthful. 

I know quite a few people that are really trustworthy and honest, but for the same price I have seen just as many people who are just downright dishonest.  

Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.

Success can only be built on trust. Trust creates an environment where people feel free to be passionate, and committed. Trust is the most effective communication in relationships, and without trust, relationships fail. If you want someone to trust you, YOU NEED TO BE TRUSTWORTHY! 

So why are people dishonest?

  • People are lazy! They completely lack the skills to do something on their own and then settle for the easy way out.  
  • Greediness.  Some people will do anything to succeed.  Even if it means hurting others in the process. 
  • Lack of moral values.  Need I say more?  Some people will cheat and steal to get to the top, because that is the only thing that is important to them.  

So how do we deal with dishonest people?

We confront them. We name and shame them!  No need for embarrassment ....just make them aware that you know what they did, and perhaps guilt may bring them to their senses. 

Discuss the situation openly, because talking about the situation should at least make you feel better. Then move on. To keep a grudge is painful and stressful, and it is better to just let go.  

The most important of all, is to forgive and forget. Often this is the most difficult thing to do in life, but forgiveness can heal wounds.  You might not trust this person afterwards, but you might feel much better.  



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I have a bunch of friends, but they all have to deal with my honesty. I am brutal honest.
You wanna be my friend?😊😆

Oh yes I want to be your friend...lol!


This post was inspired by experience,this is good. I have friends i loved earnestly but they hurt me alot, I remember one of them insulting me for telling him the truth about his actions that were unpleasant . Now i carefully choose my friends .

There's nothing worse than dishonesty! It's one thing to have to come up with an excuse, but it's another to lie into a good friends face.. I've met a lot of dishonest people too, but I never got to the point to tell them that I know the truth... I always felt that it would create an awkward moment! But with all respect, I really think it's great what you're doing and you're absolutely right! Why waste your time being with someone who can't even tell the truth?

Nope, I don't need people like that. They make life worse that it already is..with friends like those...who needs enemies?

God this resonated with me on every level, I am literally a hermit. People always have an agenda, authenticity in the World is almost non existent also. Its a bit sad but like you I like to keep my circle small with those I know I can rely on. One day who knows we may all evolve to a species that actually gives a shit about each other, until then Il stay in my man cave! :)

It's safe there...just stay there lol!

I have ONE friend, other than that I trust my husband, siblings and children. I know exactly where you are coming from!

Well I am also your friend whether you believe it or not. We should really just meet one day. xx

I would love too! I am like you, I don't need people, but a few special people can make all the difference. xxx

fake friends are like snakes, they can anytime bite you..

be honest but font be too honest.... we do not want to know the sloppy details.

this is my friend's life, (if I can call you like that)
I am also a loner like you, but I see the relationship is necessary, in essence we give without expecting a reply, hopefully you will always have many friends who can be relied upon @giantbear

There are more people that I trust on Steemit than in real life...that is sad...lol

yes @giantbear . here many can be friends, various countries and settings. but many also just friends and commented just to get upvote. still must be observant to choose a friend, I can only pray that you can get a friend worthy to you believe in the real world and the virtual world

Ohhh a hot button for me here, especially true when running an organization... I firmly believe it is a byproduct or maybe the main product of the governmental divide and conquer scheme. Programmed into us as young children herded into schools to begin the change of mindsets, from childhood acceptance, openness and unrequited trust.

Hey @kyusho I can only imagine what you have to put up with in your business... You are so right that is is programmed into us from a very young age. How you are well....

I have a habit of unleashing my fully pissed off potential on anyone who even tries to come close to bringing me down or taking a stab.

I've noticed, when you call people out on their BS, they'll act like being called on it is the only evil force in this world. I don't give a shit.

Give an inch and they'll take a mile. Those words exist for a reason.

Oh my friend I like the way you think! Straightforward and to the point is the best way to go...how are you doing?

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