Choice | Attitude | Meaningfulness

in #philosophy6 years ago

Choice: The act of choosing between two or more possibilities. We all have them...Possibilities I mean, and we all have choice. Even those who are in situations outside of their direct influence have it; They can choose their attitude and the thoughts that roll through their mind. Sure, that attitude may be dictated by circumstance to some degree, but it's still choice.

I read a book some time ago called Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl about life in the Nazi death camps and its message on spiritual survival. It's based on his own experiences. He talks about a theory which follows that man's primary drive is not pleasure, but rather the pursuit of what we find meaningful. It's a very interesting book and one I suggest the enlightened, or those wishing to be somewhat more so, take the time to read.

So, what do we find meaningful? Well, that depends on the person I suppose; On upbringing, location, circumstance, influence and of course the actual individual. A young boy in the Favela's of Rio De Janeiro may find meaning in something quite the polar opposite to that of a young boy born and raised in Villefranche sur Mer between Monte Carlo and Nice, France for instance. Anyway, what we find meaningful and what choices we make to attain the meaningfulness is an important factor in each an every person's life.

Take the owner of this vehicle for instance. It's a 1957 Buick and as you can see has been amazingly and painstakingly restored to what I would consider showroom floor condition. It was completely immaculate. Can you imagine the effort the owner had to invest to complete this task? The sacrifices he/she (they) made elsewhere in their lives to keep the project on track? I spoke with the owner and the story is quite remarkable. Thousands and thousands of hours went into it and along the way they made choices..."Do we take a holiday or buy those windscreen rubbers and front panels we need?"

Years of effort, sacrifice and hard choices...And all for what? So they can drive the vehicle to a car show or two and sit under a sunshade whilst other people admired their car? Well yeah...Exactly...But not only. You see, the couple exuded an aura of deep satisfaction in their car and, indeed, in themselves. You know, the sort of feeling one gets when reward is gained through effort. In this car they found [find] meaning...Not just pleasure. For me? Well, I find pleasure in looking at it, admiring it's curvaceous lines, the colour, the mind of the original designer who found meaning in its creation many many years ago. I could buy this car. Enjoy it, love it and find great pleasure in it...But meaning? Hmm, maybe but certainly not as much as its original creator and the couple who restored it.

Life is complicated and the endless possibilities, options and chances, and the subsequent choices required, don't make it any easier. However, they need to be made, choices, and decisions reached. I really enjoyed the Frankl book because his meaning theory leads towards what he calls renewed purpose which to me kind of translates to attitude. No matter what one calls it, renewed purpose or attitude, it is essential to move one forward and towards a goal, or purpose, and the ultimate goal of a fulfilled and happy life.

Chatting about this with a colleague yesterday at lunch in the office I mentioned my life-ethos, which you can see written at the very end of this post, and he raised an eyebrow. He's a new team member and so doesn't know me well but he was there listening in [joining in] on my conversation with someone else and I could see I piqued his curiosity. Later in the day he knocked on my door and asked if I could elaborate on the ethos. I did of course. He has gone through a metamorphosis of sorts, reinventing himself in the last year or two and what I had said resonated with him because he had made choices, tough ones, and sacrificed much in life for his future growth.

So, choices. Some are taken out of our control and yet others are made jointly with others but the best choices are ones made internally and that reflect internally, then outwardly. The choice to learn, to gain wisdom and knowledge, to eliminate negativity, embrace change and to exit ones' comfort-zone; The choice to seek reward-through-effort and to take the right degree of ownership and responsibility for oneself emotions, thoughts and actions. The choice to let go of blame, ego and hubris, arrogance and conceit and the choice to show humility and kindness. The choice to embrace the attitude required to pursue the desired path.

The owners of this vehicle and the lad at work found meaningfulness in life, a new path to follow [to create], or a familiar one walked with, renewed purpose, a new attitude. It's not that difficult, and yet not easy...It's...Well, it's life and a life well-lived is one of little regret.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - @galenkp

P.s. If anyone wants to hit me up on Discord: @galenkp#9209


Wow. Absolutely love this one too!
Viktor E. Frankl is one of my greatest mentors...
He has had all the odds against him, he managed to survive while being stuck in a place where suffering was a constant. And he didn't only survived, he became one of the greatest inspirations of all time.💖
Finding one's purpose is the ultimate quest of life .
Pleasure shouldn't be the main goal. But if one follows his purpose, pleasure is most likely to derive as a byproduct.

Hi @steemityourway and thanks for taking the time to read and reply.

Yes, finding purpose, or re-finding it, can pay serious dividends in life. I believe many people fail to see their own purpose clearly, probably because all the noise society is bombarded with these days and the fact that instant gratification seems to be more desirable than a more sustainable enjoyment throughout life.

People tend to skip from thing to thing, gratification to gratification, and meanwhile all the bits in between get shoved to the corner. A life like that might be looked back upon with a degree of regret I think. Just my opinion.

I like your pleasure as a buy-product line. It will come, if the right attitude is applied and the right paths followed.

Anyway, thanks for dropping in and adding your thoughts.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow! It is sincerely my pleasure to be honest. I rarely stumble upon profiles like yours on here and so it makes me very happy to read your insightful articles.

I agree 200% with everything you just said. I love how you refer to the "noise of society".
That's actually a line that I pull out quite often:P Because it's hella true! That's why I personally value and adore solitude so much. It is only when you a far from the noise of society, completely alone with yourself, that you can truly find who you really are, at the core of your being, and hopefully find the reason that you are on here for.

One love to you! & thanks!!!:)

Hey @steemityourway, it can be difficult to find accounts to follow that have similar interests. I guess for me my interests are so varied that not all of my followers love everything I post but stick with me because I have something interesting to say, or say something boring in an interesting way maybe? :)

Life is too short to simply block out new things and so I try to keep an open mind. The only things on Steemit I truly hate are steemmonsters and Actifit. I think it's because users I used to enjoy have deferred only to those sort of posts rather than the interesting shot they used to post. Oh well, live and let live I guess. I just don't vote on it.

Anyway, glad to have you on board.

Wow! Thanks so much for taking your time to write this!💗 it means a lot. You can be sure I will stick around:)! I’m feeling ya!
Boredom doesn’t exist in my books;)

And wow I feel exactly the same way about these two things. I just feel that not everyone is on here for the right reasons. It’s sad but what can I say, motivation isn’t always intrinsic :P

Will write down some of the epic stuff I found in some of your posts in my notebook today just so you know that I truly and genuinely love your articles and the wisdom they contain:)!

Sabby is on board! 💫

Yes we are all different thankfully image if we were all the same.

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Hey, @galenkp.

I haven't read Man's Search For Meaning, but it makes much more sense that we would seek after meaning more than pleasure or something else. Meaning drives purpose, and if done well, results in a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, while still allowing for more, since there's so many ways we can find meaning in our lives.

It also sounds like you had a good time at the car show, too. :)

Meaning drives purpose

Oh yeah, so true huh? I like what you say about there being so many ways to find meaning in our lives. Also very true.

Yeah, the car show was pretty sweet. They were all parked up next to the river...You can actually see a paddle steamer in the background behind the car if you look closely enough.

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I just tagged you in a post that I was talking about controlling emotions, and then I find this bringing it up. I suppose that shouldn't be too surprising coming from your writing.

I have found myself renewing my purpose a bit lately. I completely understand how that owner of the car must have felt. Many times in the past fixing something, making it new and whole again, gave me a lot of meaning. It is somewhat temporary though. I don't think fixing ever works out as a permanent source of meaning, unless maybe it is fixing yourself. Effort I think of as different. Depending on the circumstances, effort can always have meaning. I think life is largely about work.

I like that list of choices at the end there.

What a great post to read before calling it a night as it seems mine it falls right into place with what many of us seek in Life an even here engaging on Steem! I appreciate the sharing of this!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Glad you liked it. I'm always pleased when something I write resonates with someone.

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