Grab Your Coffee! Let's Chat About the Morality of Money!

in #philosophy7 years ago

This is the start of a conversation, one we feel is vitally important to steemit, to cryptocurrency and probably humanity. Please join in, share your thoughts and we will delve deeper into this over the coming days and perhaps weeks.


Great positive message! Thanks for sharing.

As more people get on the wagon, I keep getting asked the same questions. "Who's controlling it? What if they suddenly take it away?"

My reaction is "couldn't they just take away your reserve notes if they wanted, or clear your bank account?" All we can do is move in the right direction. It really helps to stay positive . :)

And then again, what is real anyway?

Thanks for the input. It is nice to know this resonates with you as I already feel the "vibe" you and your wifey put out is so harmonius.

I realize now that my comment was pared down so much that it ended up being irrelevant. I don't talk to people about steemit (and won't until I have $$$ proof that I can take actual money out) but from what I understand about the world, "they" can take away everything whenever "they" want. So why NOT invest time here (instead of Facebook or twitter). And for questions of whether this is "real" money or not. What IS real?

Indeed. Rather than being told that Smiley Virus is a great talent, I can come here and find beautiful people like @carrieallen who are REAL, and have actual talent, and who chat with me. This is going to blow facebook, youtube and reality TV into oblivion. I keep saying this is reality reality. People will be fascinated... lol!

I just now had the chance to watch this!

YES! I totally agree.

I think abundance is the key. We started moving away (spiritually, I guess) from those in our physical community whose focus is lack. There's a LOT of them here. 😕

However, we've just started reaching out to a few in the community that are ARTISTS. Like you said, here on Steemit, those artists get to be rewarded. Because of the government's need to keep us under control, this just wasn't possible before.

It's very exciting that @chrisroberts and I can actually BE CREATIVE and still THRIVE (rather than survive).

Also! Cause I know you love some Ron... He just did a new video, basically saying what you just said regarding cryptos and fiat. Check it out:

P.S. If things keep going the way they're going, we'll be visiting you in no time! 😍

Won't that be a merry little meeting lol!
The "patron of the arts" aspect is one of the things that had to "grow" on me here, I just took a while to "get it." All those people taking pictures with their cell phones, ridiculous! Unless the market wants it. If that is what people are upvoting, then, cell phones pictures have a value I did not see. Like bitcoin... - I am a real genius some days... lol! But the idea that you and Chris (and heck, maybe even me!) can get paid for our creativity rather than the whole world fawning over another "star" THRILLS me. I do NOT buy "entertainment" from "THEM." My favorite local band got a chance to go to Nashville and cut a record, and I am half hoping he bombs out because I want to listen to him at Wilson's Bar, not on the radio!!! (No, I truly wish him all the success in the world, but you know what i mean!)
And yeah, I am Ron's script writer... LOL! That is pretty cool, feels like the Universe telling me I am on the right track!

Lol! I'm with you on on the cell phone pics. That Black and White challenge is going to make me unfollow folks. Seriously, my whole feed is FULL of them. No content (cause that's the rule😕)...
I feel that is much more appropriate for Fakebook or other social media. But... that's the beauty of Steemit. Everyone gets to do what they want. 😍

I totally understand wanting to see your favorite band rather than them going 'mainstream'. We haven't been fans of the entertainment industry... at least for the last few years, since their brains broke.

Side note: We just watched "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" on Netflix. Pretty wholesome. Lots of family messages in there. So there's still hope. 😉 Plus, so much stuff blows up! It's awesome. 😎

I am going to explain mine after the 7 days are up, it will become a mini-autobiography. I am hoping others will do the same, because, yeah... what is that and why? Here is a sad fun fact: My first BnW pic made more than any post I have made ever. LOL!
I will check out the Guardians stuff, thanks for the suggestion!

LOL! See there? Some people... and whales... WANT that kind of content... I mean, to me, it's weird. BUT! I know a lot of folks whose ONLY focus is photography. How 'fair' (it's the Libra in me) is it for EVERYONE to basically say, "Your art, you know, what you've spent your WHOLE life working on and dedicated to? Yeah. Anyone can do that. Basically, that makes you mediocre. Congrats on your life work. A 10 year can do it."

I don't think that's something I would ever want to convey to anyone... Thus, I can't participate in the B&W challenge. As mentioned before, I have a good eye for beauty and a great camera, however, that does not make me a photographer.😏I don't eat, drink, breathe and sleep photography.

All that said. I don't judge (well, not from like an "I'm GOD and I'm better than you" standpoint.... I AM human.).

I have a separate set of morals that I hold for myself, that I would never expect of others.

The (old school) liberal in me believes everyone should ALWAYS do what they want... as long as it harms none, of course.

I love talking with you! 😍

Great attitude to have! I agree bitcoin and cryptos may be the downfall of the FR system. I refuse to live in fear. They already have us captive in the FR system. So far cryptos have proven to be a free market. My guess is as they get more desperate they will try to outlaw cryptos and change to their crypto that they control. If they hsve a back door to bitcoin so what they have the front door to frns good post!

Hi! I watched the whole thing. I agree that there is enough Source for us to all live in abundance, but I think it's the definition of abundance that confuses people. Many first world people nowadays want to live in excess - and there is not enough for that! But there's enough food, and land and water wind air - we just have to stop ruining and polluting it. We need more home gardens! PS - my steem power is almost at 20 now. It's crawling back to "healthy."

Lol! I was almost back to full strength and went on a spree... will be SOOO glad to get my slider bar!
GREAT point about people needing realistic expectations. I think one of the lovely things here is it proves people WILLINGLY help those in need, when they know the need is genuine.

The lovely thing here is that you can gift 🎁 to people with your time and it converts to $$ for them. I enjoyed your post and gave you my upvote, and that somehow translates to currency for you. And, the more time O spend here, the more my thanks, or upvote, is worth. I will take $.01 over likes in Facebook ANY day. My "friends" probably miss me 😂😂😂(or maybe they don't!)

Well I am glad you made the switch!

You are well spoken, my friend. we shall see what happens. but being decentralized means that is is harder to control. we shall see but I am hopeful....

I think they are most likely to fail due to overestimating how awesome they are and underestimating how awesome the peons are.

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