From "Ordo Ab Chao" to "Ordinatum Existit Libertate"

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

img src FireAwayMarmot

The phrase "Order From Chaos" is loosely based on the latin phrase, "Ordo Ab Chao", translated as "Out of Chaos, Comes Order". This is often regarded as a means to impose totalitarian control over society, first by creating chaos through various forms of subterfuge, then using this as an excuse to institute order.

Once this is done, the phrase Order Over Chaos may be (mis)used to convince people of the veracity of such measures. But this is actually Order Over Freedom. Now this really comes down to the notion of whether you make a distinction between Freedom and Chaos. A clear understanding of Cause and Effect brings the knowledge that Freedom really means Power, and that Power in it's purest sense is Creative. Chaos is Destruction, and Destruction negates Freedom - when left unchecked it reduces all potential options down to zero. While there is always a random chaos element in Nature, the type of Destructiveness I'm talking about here is what occurs when people engage in the unrestricted taking of Licence, namely, presuming that their freedom gives them the right to initiate force (as aggression) over others. In other words, deliberately created Chaos through conscious will.

Try not to be fooled into thinking that initiation of this type of force is any kind of real Order. It is at best a facsimile of Order - a fabricated version (fabricated by the necessity of facility? Or is that a mindset of lack? I will follow up on this question in the future). Given the principles I've outlined, and the historical evidence of Totalitarian regimes initiating Chaos in order to institute more initiation of force, it becomes apparent that the only option remaining is to engage in Order over Chaos, which, as I've illustrated in the image, takes the form of open communication and a continued desire to increase knowledge and wisdom. The reason this is called Order Over Chaos is because it creates an energy between all of us in the form of a Common Bond, that raises human consciousness above the forces of Chaos. You could say that Conflict is a form of Communication, however it is fear that inverts Conflict into Chaos. The point being, that the degree to which people are able to communicate without being controlled by fear, determines how much Order Over Chaos is being truthfully practiced.

If enough people are exercising this Principle in their daily lives, then Freedom From Order manifests, or, perhaps a better phrase would be, "Out of Order, Comes Freedom".

Those who defend the notion of "Out of Chaos, Comes Order" may point to the mechanics of Human Perception; namely that the human mind first perceives things subjectively, then assigns an objective meaning to circumstances. Therefore to manage Order From Chaos aligns with this function, with respect to the Principle of Correspondence: "As Below, So Above, As Above, So Below". However the Principle of Polarity also allows for the process of Transmutation of said polarities. It may not absolutely follow, therefore, that human affairs within the conscious material realm need always originate as Chaos. It is possible to transmute this process, and have our dealings with each other start from a position of Order. I'm sure the promoters of Order from Chaos claim to do this as well, however I think that process may in fact be better referred to as Inversion. It then follows that Transmutation involves an entirely different method. One clue as to how this could be done lies in the phrase I used earlier - "assign objective meaning".

It would stand to reason that any judgement following subjective perception would be necessarily assigned. But is it not possible to determine, or better yet, discover objective meaning? It seems a rather hubristic response, even from a secular viewpoint, to assume that all meaning is just a construct of the human mind.

Is math just a construct of the human mind? In my next post, I'm going to discuss some of the incredible - yet not so well known - alignments that can be found in mathematics, indicating a distinct possibility that meaning may in fact be encoded into existence, awaiting our discovery through the balance of subjective perception and objective inquiry. And who knows? Maybe it'll turn out that Chaos is actually the human construct; an ego and fear based reaction to an existence that is larger than our perceptions at this point in our progress.

Writing and images by Greg McCann, the author of this post and owner of this Steemit Channel. To view more of my work, please visit

The fourth panel from this image is available as print at my Redbubble page here.



It's too late in the evening for me to think that deeply, but I'll try to finish reading this tomorrow!!!

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