Finding Security in Doing the Same Thing Every Day: Feeling at Home With Difference

in #philosophy7 years ago

I already said I write too much about whisky. This seems like a comfort: I pull out the bottle of whisky, open the document and start to. Maybe the words that fill the page will not make sense, but I am too intoxicated to care. The words are bare, nude, open. The words are pure thoughts, translated onto the page as they come to my mind. But this looks like a problem. I have the comfort of opening the bottle of whisky, taking in the smell before I write the words that you are reading. I have a certain security in doing the same thing every day. It gives the false hope of having a constant lifestyle without the fear of losing it. But in our current era defined by change and immediacy, a static lifestyle won't work.

I am reminded of people I knew who did things according to a certain way, they did not change the way they did it. They sought comfort in the doing of those things every day in the same way for years. It began with the news. They watched the news religiously, they drank the lies of the people who spoke and they looked at the flashing images on the screen; oblivious to the truth. They drank the same wine every night. It did not matter how it tasted, it did not matter how it looked, it just needed to be the same bottle of wine with the same food that they ate every day. It bothered me for a while, how can you believe the lies and drink the undrinkable wine? I wanted to shout out of frustration, but then one day it hit me in the face. It did not matter to them, all that mattered was the comfort that the daily routine gave them. They found security in doing the same thing every day over and over.

The friends have passed into another life a long time ago. I am only reminded by the memories of the people. But the memories still linger, reminding me of the comfort they found in the everyday. But can we dare, as current era people living with the constant fear of change, dare to take comfort in the same thing? We cannot hold on to our cell phones for too long because next year the new version comes out. We cannot keep the same friends because on the next corner are more interesting people. We cannot eat the same food, drink the same wine, listen to the same music because on the next journey we will find new things to excite our taste buds. Our lives are defined by change. It is rare to see people today who still find comfort in the same things every day.


I know I already uploaded the artwork, but this artwork talked to me with this post I wrote. The different colours rolling down the cheek of the person. The eyes that stare at you. If you dare to stare back, long enough, with something to drink, the eyes will tell you a story of the long forgotten era where everything remained the same for ages on end. The colourful tears are the tears of nostalgia, looking at the era that we forgot. I cannot say I will ever know the time when things did not change. I grew up in the era of replacement, immediate change, every day something new. This is my normal. But I cannot not think about the time when time moved slowly, when things did not change, when comfort could still be sought in the same thing every day.

Please comment, I will try and answer. We can begin a conversation that might lead to new truths.


meaningful picture without words

Thank you for the comment. Much appreciated!

hahahaha this is bad habit

No Problem.

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