The Coincidence of CoincidencessteemCreated with Sketch.

There I was, driving along the roads I have driven down an insurmountable amount of times, alone on the road with my thoughts and the blaring music coming from my car's stereo. I thought to myself how if a deer were to be in the road at this moment in time, I would most likely be unable to avoid it. As I continued driving, something strange happened - two deer jumped out of no where, and thankfully I was able to avoid both of them. 

Coincidence, I thought; surely there was no correlation between my thoughts and the deer appearing. However, that isn't the issue that's been gripping me again since last night: it's the whole slew of weird "coincidences" that have occurred throughout my short life.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Driving along the road, I thought how hard it would be to drive around this bend if there were to be a car accident on this blind turn. Surely enough, a man was in a car accident on this exact bend as I came around the corner.
  2. One night I had spent time with my father, and he gave me a fifty dollar bill - more money than he has ever given me in my life - and told me to "use it wisely." The next day, in an intimate excursion with my girlfriend, the protection broke and I had to run to CVS to buy Plan B. Interestingly, the only amount of money I had in my wallet was the $50 from the night before, and Plan B was $49.99.
  3. Again, driving along the highway, I thought how insane it would be for deer to be present on the highway at night (I don't know what it is with my brain thinking about deer while driving!). As I was getting off the exit, I had to slam on my breaks and swerve around the three deer present on the off ramp.

These few examples are among many others that have made me question whether coincidences are merely coincidences, or if coincidences don't exist. Does everything in life happen for a reason? Or is that me assigning meaning to life that isn't there?

I'll continue to ponder this for many years to come, and I'm sure there will be many more examples along the way. Deep down I do think that everything happens for a reason, as I have been told that throughout my short life, but part of me wonders if that is merely a way to put meaning into events when there is none.

Thank you for reading! If you have had similar experiences, or wondered about coincidences, I would love to hear from you! -Extreme

It's very beautiful post :))
And very interesting..I follow you now !!

Thank you very much! I find driving to be very relaxing and a great place to think. I follow you now too!

Yes it's very relaxing pleace!!

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