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RE: Bullying is Not Inevitable!

in #philosophy7 years ago

Great story and I could not agree more that seeds have to be planted, sadly that doesn't stop after a child leaves home in many cases. Any time there are new members to any group there are always opinions about older people in the group by the older people in the group.
I hope this feeling of letting someone's actions towards you or actions you witness drive your perception of them and not what someone else has seen or felt they saw done. The world is confusing enough without letting others influence you were you are perfectly capable of making up your own mind.


You are right, these seeds are planted throughout our lives and our instinct is often to follow the group as this our security. The older people are usually seen as the authority figures too and as our schooling system turns more towards teaching us to obey authority and rules we are more open to influence than if taught to think for ourselves. That is another thing that I appreciate about the school I went to. We were guided rather than schooled.

Thank you for your thoughts. 😊

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