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RE: Blockchains are Fundamental to Online Freedom

in #philosophy6 years ago

Everything is a freedom till it is not. Every single thing you have ever posted on the blockchain is there forever for anyone down the road to look up and use as a weapon when it’s no longer the “correct” thing to say and or do something.

Many people have said some really stupid things in their pasts even more so if they where really young. While on other social platforms you could delete it and maybe someone didn’t save a copy of that. No such thing on blockchains. Such things if they were trying be funny or it was taken out of context still costed people there lively hood and even pushed many down a very dark hole in life.


Perhaps it will inspire some actual thought to go into what people say or do online as opposed to shooting out "covfefe"s. Personally I don't mind taking ownership of anything I've said. If it's out of context, people are free to pull up the post and see that for themselves. If I was wrong, I can admit that too. Having a government or corporation tell me that I don't have the right to disagree with them? Not worth the convenience.

You're right, mate.
A lot of people are going to get burnt.
This is the main reason I use my real name.
Reminds me when I'm writing, this is here forever.
Use a pen name and you're only anonymous until somebody outs you on chain.
When that happens, a lot of people are going to regret things they said under the cloak of anonymity.

Use a pen name and you're only anonymous until somebody outs you on chain.

Not even that needs to happen. Many of us have more than exceed enough for writing samples to be taken and compiled in a database that can be compared and contrasted against other writing samples. Your own writing style, word usage, and other factors is a digital fingerprint.

People like to think they can’t be boiled down so easily into numbers like that. Big data scares the daylights out of me.

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