Your thoughts define your reality

in #philosophy8 years ago

"Who am I?", a boy asked an old man. "You are what you think", responded the old man. "I will explain it to you with a story."

At the twilight of one day, near the city walls, you could see two person hugging each other.

They are mum and dad, thought the innocent child. They are lovers, thought the man of wretched imagination. They are friends who haven't seen each other for years, thought the man who lived alone. They are two merchants who struck a great deal, thought a man greedy for money. That is a father who hugs his son who just came back from the battle, thought a women of tender soul. That is a daughter who hugs her father who came back from a long journey, thought a man full of sorrow for his decreased daughter. They are in love, thought a girl who dreams about love. They are the fighting to the death, thought a murderer. "Who knows why are they hugging?", thought a narrow-minded man. "How beautiful it is to see two person hugging each other", thought a wise man.

"Everyone thinks based on what he is himself", concludes the old man. Fathom into your thoughts, as you can say more about who you are, than your teacher can.

What consumes your mind, controls your life. The great truth. Many say that we can't read other people's minds. Oooh, we sure can. Just look at their lives and you can find out what do they think about money, love, people, own body, and generally about the world around them.

Likewise, you can find out a great deal about yourself looking at your own life, which is a reflection of you and your thoughts. Inverse is also valid. You see the world in the same way that you live your life.

The story from the beginning tells us that. Beliefs are imposed on us by our upbringing, education, culture, media and people from our environment who influenced us - parents, professors, colleagues, coworkers and others.

If you still think that you can't control your thoughts, try the following little exercise.

Close your eyes for a few seconds and think about the snow. Following few seconds think about the Sun. Then think about your dream car. Come on, stop reading and do this little exercise.

This proves that you can consciously choose what will you think about. It is your choice whether you will think in negative or positive context. it is your choice whether you will think good or bad about some person. Yes, you always choose will you think about their flaws or about their virtues. You choose, always! Change of choice does not happen over night. It is a skill that requires practice. And like every skill worth practicing, mastering it takes time.
Life is not what is happening, but rather your view on events that are happening.

When another car blocks my parking entrance or when a tow truck takes my car, I bring it to my consciousness that my thought have crucial role in my experience of the reality. There is no nervousness and anger. Then I choose thoughts that bring me good. This happens for a reason. For some reason now I have to stay here or go down the road I'd never go if the tow truck didn't take my car. Does it make sense? Your thoughts create emotion and experience of the reality.

When I have a problem which seems unsolvable, I would tell my self: "I'll think about it later". I choose to think about something different, something that would raise my vibrations. And of course, the problem would be solved eventually because of the change in the thoughts which raised my vibration. The solution is always on the higher vibration than the problem.

If we are the reflection of our thoughts, then the others are also reflection of their thoughts. Others don't see you for what you are, they see you in the way that they are. It took a long time for me to understand that. When I would make a humanitarian gesture and when someone would ask me why did I do that, what benefits will I have of it, I realized that someone was talking about himself! That someone would make that gesture exclusively because of the benefits and it is inconceivable for him that someone would do it without the wish for reward.

Listen to people when they talk about other people. In that moment they talk about themselves, not about the objects of their story, because they observe the world through their own thought filter. This understanding will free you.

Exercise choosing your thoughts. That is the most important exercise you can do. By choosing your thoughts you select what you will witness in your reality. Be wise. Choose what you will benefit from.

Note: Think of the term vibrations in any way that suits you the best.

For more awesome images check this guy: Psychedelic Maniac

Thank you for reading.


Something that ties into this which I've found very helpful;
When something happens that triggers the fight/flight response or the ego in some negative (or positive) way, try to step back and view the situation outside of that more primal state of thought before responding or taking action. It's hard to do, but the more you can practice this, the fewer inappropriate actions you end up making. Learn to use the bodies chemical response as your mental reminder to think properly.

Good post, thank you for writing.

Thank you both @broadperspective and @eineismijmich very true words spoken here and great advice. I have tried to be more in control when I feel I am experiencing the fight/flight response but am often not successful. There are certain triggers causing this and I am still discovering when and how this happens. Being aware of it happening to you and knowing which triggers sets it off are most important (ask questions like: when, where, who, how, why). This knowledge can help you make a mental note on what to avoid and how to put in measures to help control your response.

Great post! The story in the beginning is so powerful. If I for example see a guy and a girl together I automatically assume they are lovers because I have never had a girlfriend and long for intimacy with an attractive girl.

it is true!
great post here

to much psico, i get lost at half reading when have to close my eyes...haha
great story

Very nice post.
Just reading it made me stop and really think about how I am currently thinking. Thank you [:

I think we share an objective reality that is literally manifest though collective thought. It is erroneous to think that we can create reality by thinking it into existence, but it takes thought to create anything, the universe included.

Great post.


Please teach me more wise westerner

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