Why Capitalism Cannot Fix Anything At All

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

This 12 minute parody demonstrates the paradox of capitalism. Capitalism caught at its own game, and the ensuing death spiral toward totalitarianism. Capitalism cannot fix itself because solutions are not marketable, unlike problems.

If society was really working toward the betterment of anything we can think of, the economy would take a dive at some point because we would stop overproducing and overconsuming, would make holistic medicine and naturopathy our priorities, make sure that education is unbiased and accessible to all for free... and dismantle the the military complex.

But our world is going in the opposite direction, so now we are going to pay for our enslavement... unless... unless... we realize that only a money-free society is the real fix.

Cream by David Firth - 4+ million views

Capitalism Means War

U.S. Budget Deficit Jumps to $100 Billion at Start of Fiscal Year. A ballooning U.S. budget shortfall -- fueled by tax cuts, spending hikes and an aging population -- is driving the Treasury Department to raise its long-term debt issuance. In Trump’s first full fiscal year that ended in September, the budget gap grew to $779 billion, the highest level since 2012. November 13, 2018 ... more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-13/u-s-budget-gap-jumps-to-100-billion-at-start-of-fiscal-year


Capitalism, and the free market pricing system has built our modern civilization. Capitalism is certainly growing your wallet. :-D

Go learn something, you hypocrite.

Here is a nice book that gives a basic outline of how capitalism has improved our lives immensely:

the world is bankrupt...totalitarianism is everywhere... and WW3 IS COMING... yep and with half the american population that has a chronic ailment. (my previous blog)

stage 2

ps: I LOVE von mises but he was not a corporate apologist like you... but his theory only works on paper. I am very sad for him.

More bullshit from a bullshit artist.

Ooh, ad hominem attack - tell me more about your use of the scientific method.

Hello @ura-soul uvas is one of those absolute capitalists.

Aloha! I see - well, I won't mock the afflicted.

yep 72% going paycheck to paycheck...

von mises on monsanto

Yep, 72% not good with money. Learn how to use money, and live better.

Tell me some more bullshit.

Yep, 72% not good with money. Learn how to use money, and live better.

say a central bank apologist... it is okay for some to force a cruel scam on their population, like those forcing mercury vaccines on kids.

You endorse predatory behaviors (that is how the world is) and blame the victims...

that is why money has to go.

More non-stop bullshit from a bullshit artist. I don't endorse any of the things you say I do.

yes, you always defend profit efficiency and now you side with central banks

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