Why Are Consciousness Studies The Cutting Edges Of Scientific Research?

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

The answer is simple. Because mainstream science has allied itself with biotech as both want to stay ahead of the curve . Both fields know that their days are numbered if they do not find a way to "contain" the inevitable shift in consciousness. They are working very hard to understand all the aspects of Consciousness, not to enhance our senses but to imprison them. For any cutting edge discovery, they have biotech remedy.

So now the goal is to make people believe that "trinary species", which we are, can be turned into "binary algorithm controllable AI matrix".

When Consciousness is thrown into the equation, binary becomes trinary, a dimension leading to human sovereignty and volunatryism irrevocably.

It is not far fetched, really. This really makes a lot of sense, because the more "they" know about Consciousness, the more technology enslaves us. Anybody aware enough can see that. Many people accept to be monitored regardless of the risk because technology gives the impression to simplify the complexity of Life . Far to the contrary, AI only has the "servitude by consent" to offer.

Positive news abound though. As you can see here below, the biotech paradigm is beginning to show deep cracks. Many genuine scientists are embracing what was inconceivable 3 decades ago. Don't you find surprising that there is so much going on, and which we obviously hear so little about? We hear so much more about AI than the unlimited psychic human potential.... Why do you guess?

So please help make the 'Manifesto' viral... thank you!

Manifesto for Post-Materialistic Science (4 pages)

“The shift from materialistic science to post-materialistic science may be of vital importance to the evolution of human civilization. It may be even more pivotal than the transition from geocentrism to heliocentrism.” – A Manifesto for Post-Materialistic Science

The proposed post-materialistic paradigm heals the Cartesian partition separating mind and matter, reunites philosophy and natural philosophy, and begins to resolve the age-old clash between science and religion.

A call for an open, informed study of all aspects of consciousness
Science thrives when there is an open, informed discussion of all evidence, and recognition that scientific knowledge is provisional and subject to revision. This attitude is in stark contrast with reaching conclusions based solely on a previous set of beliefs or on the assertions of authority figures. Indeed, the search for knowledge wherever it may lead inspired a group of notable scientists and philosophers to found in 1882 the Society for Psychical Research in London. Its purpose was “to investigate that large body of debatable phenomena… without prejudice or prepossession of any kind, and in the same spirit of exact and unimpassioned inquiry which has enabled Science to solve so many problems.... MORE

The International Academy of Consciousness
We are a research and education organization dedicated to investigating
the consciousness and helping people develop their human potential to the maximum.

Feel Free to Join The Global Coherence Initiative

"Consciousness and Architecture" at Miami-Dade College

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Reality Is Fake And So Is Materialism

When Quantum Science is Debunked…. ​with each grand step forward, we inevitably opened a new, untouched Pandora’s Box, and each time the same bothersome spirit emerged: The Unknown. What a bother this Unknown is for the rationalists of the world, not because they won’t challenge it, but because so many spiritualists embrace it!​… ​More recently, scientists in quantum mechanics bemoan without end the bastardization of their science by New Age philosophies that claim that the universe is simply one vibrational field and we are all connected... more

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