The Speculation Paradox: The Plastic Invention Now Turning Life On Earth Into A Nightmare

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Indeed, plastic was so profitable for about almost a century that it is now turning life on earth into a nightmare... this is a good example as why following the money is never a good idea. Then of course there were too many billions of dollar invested into the "plastic industry" that any warnings could have caused global market crash...

what comes around, goes around... guess who is going to pay now? Any idea? Let's be clear about it, corporations do NOT have the money to clean up all the environmental disasters they have caused. Mainly because they are "debt black holes", as they have accumulated too many loans to build their global monopolies. Yes we should applaud any project to remove the plastic from the oceans, but haven't we enough plastic particles in our soils and rivers already? Where will all the plastic debris be stored once taken out of the seas?

Sorry folks, life is not about economics but metaphilosophy.

The first plastic based on a synthetic polymer was made from phenol and formaldehyde, with the first viable and cheap synthesis methods invented in 1907, by Leo Hendrik Baekeland, a Belgian-born American living in New York state. . (WIKIPEDIA)

An Ocean Clean Up Array to Remove 7,250,000 Tons of Plastic From the World’s Oceans
When we first covered Boyan Slat’s Ocean Cleanup Array it generated a phenomenal amount of excitement, as well as debate. The 19-year-old Dutch aerospace engineering student devised the array to be dispatched to the world’s garbage patches, with an initial estimate the the oceans could be cleaned up in around 5 years. With an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms the array would span the radius of a garbage patch, acting as a giant funnel, separating plastic from plankton, and storing the refuse for recycling. Slat has since raised $80,000 to conduct a feasibility study into the Ocean Cleanup Array, and its potential for clearing the world’s oceans of trash.


Many of the raw materials used to create those plastic bottles come from fracking. In addition to air and water pollution, the fracking boom has delivered an abundant supply of the hydrocarbon ethane, which is used in petrochemical manufacturing to create ethylene, which is turned into plastic.' Read more: Bottled Water, Brought to You by Fracking?

They found that every kilogram of sand on European beaches contained on average 250 fragments of microplastic. In some locations the number can be even higher, a spot in Iceland had 700 microplastics per kilogram, in Italy it was as high as 1,500 per kilogram. Bosker has already found relatively high levels in the Netherlands, with 500 fragments per kilo on the beach near to The Hague. (Source)

Over 400 million tons of plastic are produced globally each year. It is estimated that one third of all plastic waste ends up in soils or freshwaters. Most of this plastic disintegrates into particles smaller than five millimetres, referred to as microplastics, and breaks down further into nanoparticles, which are less than 0.1 micrometre in size. In fact, terrestrial microplastic pollution is much higher than marine microplastic pollution – an estimate of four to 23 times more, depending on the environment. Sewage, for example, is an important factor in the distribution of microplastics. In fact, 80 to 90 per cent of the particles contained in sewage, such as from garment fibres, persist in the sludge. Sewage sludge is then often applied to fields as fertilizer, meaning that several thousand tons of microplastics end up in the soils each year

Plastic in the food chain: Artificial debris found in fish ...
Fish caught off the coasts of California and Indonesia and sold in local markets have been found to have plastics and textile fibres in their guts, raising concerns over food safety. Chelsea Rochman at the University of California Davis school of veterinary medicine and her team visited a fish market in Half Moon Bay and Princeton in California and in Makassar, Indonesia.

You Have Been Warned: Paradigm Shift Dead Ahead... !!!
Isn't it ironic that money spent on non material things brings more happiness? Why? Because it is the role of money to help us realize that Reality is much bigger than our material possessions. The metaphysics of the Earth Custodians Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration. It is a Movement for people willing to protect Life on Earth. More than ever, a movement for Humans who want to remain Humans -- and in control of their own thoughts -- has come. A paradigm shift is on the horizon. Become familiar with the Earth Custodians' axioms: Join the EC forum to discuss this extremely important topic and prepare for mindset transitioning and a currency-free society! No-sugar coated realities! The EC blog always strikes at the root and it is not always pleasant to read how bad it is out there. But it is necessary so that Humans can come back to their senses. Thank you in advance for following, upvoting, resteeming.

The Monopoly Paradox: Toxic air a 'national health emergency' responsible for 40,000 early deaths and £20BN in costs each year, in the UK alone


Getting rid of money is not going to solve anything. Getting rid of money will collapse our civilization and the death toll would be staggering. Be careful what you wish for...

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