The Money-Free Society Is Closer than You Think!

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

Video inspired by a previous blog but definitely worth sharing
We're so close to freedom and most are unaware of it!

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70% Sense That There Is Something WRONG - Indeed we are at the end of a paradigm and the beginning of a new one!


Umm, no it isn't.

When the main proponent of a "money free society" still enthusiastically uses money, you can't expect anyone else who isn't so emotionally attached to the idea to give up all the benefits of money.

And money has far many more benefits than your pie in the sky dream.

No One has to give up anything - and Most will gain radically - in giving up money as an institution.  With the addition of a key element, We can remove poverty, oppression, wage/debt slavery, profiteering, and many other ills, while all of Us may live as richly as We choose.


How will anyone gain anything? Because you hope they will?

Money is a tool that makes trading goods easier and more efficient. Getting rid of money will make the trading of goods harder and less efficient. So, without money, things will be harder and more expensive to build. So there will be less of everything without money. This includes less healthcare and less food. Many many people will die from malnutrition and the diseases that will result from the reintroduction of famines into the world.

There is nowhere in the world that operates without money. Every time it has been tried in history has been a horrible failure. Civilization is built by money.

Our reality is that economic goods are scarce. It takes effort and time and capital to create them. There is no getting around that it takes work and capital to produce things. Goods will not magically become super abundant by getting rid of money. This dream makes zero sense.

Money is a very dangerous tool (it promotes psychopaths to power), and We have the tech to eliminate it.  Trade (accounting for Our energy added into a community) made sense when Human energy was scarce, compared to what was needed...  But now...  Well I have a video that explains it.

And yes, there have been societies that lived without money, but the key was that They lived in abundance.  They were happy, playful, loving and caring societies.  Then the "western world" intruded and it all deteriorated.

The first part of your video makes you sound like a libertarian. It seems like you follow the nap. This seems reasonable. The "post scarcity" bit is nonsense. Your examples of food waste is nonsense. Food waste has been around 40% for as long as we have been eating. The vast majority is wasted in the home. Your example of "planned obsolescence" is also nonsense. How can you determine if it is planned or rather some smart person simple improved something. Starvation has been very nearly eradicated form the earth. There are no more famines. You can worry about psychopaths all you want, because they will always be with us. Besides, nothing in this video says anything nearly as stupid as the elimination of money being a good thing.

Money is a very useful tool for 7 billion people. It allows every single person to trade whatever they are good at producing very efficiently.

Efficient trade is extremely valuable to a society taking advantage of division of labor. Division of labor multiplies the effects of efficient trading. With it we have built this technological wonder of life we have now.

Every tool made by man can be used for good or evil. This is human nature. If you don't like how some humans use money, don't blame the money, blame human nature. So stupid to blame money. Its like blaming the weapon used to kill someone, not the murderer.

Yes, before the rise of civilization, there were people living without money. For a hundred thousand years, man hunted and gathered. And lived on the edge of existence. Life was dangerous, brutish, violent, and short. You lived day to day wondering if you were going to starve to death next week. Very happy playful loving indeed. lol.

Then money came along and civilization was built. It was a long hard battle. Up until a few hundred years ago, 99% of humanity was living at a subsistence level. But look at us now, famines are gone. The scourge of human existence has been very nearly eliminated in the last 50 years. With the demise of famines, plagues have also gone away. Thank you capitalism, thank you.

LOL!  Food waste has been that high because of the expectation of something in return - but if You have robots and People who LOVE to farm creating the food, and with modern (and even electrogravitic) transportation, there will be no demand for return and the food can get where it is needed or wanted before spoilage.  You do grasp what planned obsolescence is, right?  Mostly it is creating products that fail or are disposable (with a bit of future planning for more sales on "better" products).

Money keeps 6 billion in poverty while very Few can afford the education needed to rise above poverty.  It surely does NOT allow every Person to trade - when Most don't have access to the needed things to actually create something - like land, water, seed, tools, etc. - because They can't AFFORD them.

I do not blame the tool, and I surely don't blame "Human nature," either.  The psychopaths (about 1% of Us are genetically psychopathic across the board) seize control though money.

And no...  I don't mean "hunter/gatherers."  I mean island cultures that existed up until the early 20th century.  They had a vast abundance of all They needed to survive, and these cultures did just fine, cooperating rather than competing (as must be in moneyed societies).  Then the "western" way of life invaded, the land was usurped, and the societies dissolved.

I struggled to watch this.  It is propping the "anthropogenic climate change" BS, first of all, and blaming the "consumers" for planned obsolescence, with products designed to become obsolete or broken so more sales can be achieved.  In truth, the sun cycles drive the climate with Human input statistically nil, and there is plenty for all of Us and many times over!

On top of that, UBI is mentioned, and I see a very serious problem with UBI:

Until We fully stop accounting for Human energy altogether, We will have psychopaths in control.

Yes I had the same opinion about UBI but plz notice that I say "interest free and no new loans issuance"

Lincoln had completely turned around the economy heavily indebted by issuing the an interest free currency (and was even killed for that) but to remove all competition forever UBI can help while deflating the economy (otherwise we'd get shocks to the system) and decreasing UBI accordingly as the economy become more and more debt free - until it reach a "no growth flat line" - then the shift towards a money free system can be operated smoothly

Unless We remove money completely as a requirement to survive and thrive, psychopaths will persist in controlling Our planet.  All We need to do is add free energy.  100% of the cost of everything is energy - the resources are here freely, but Human energy is required to hunt, gather, mine, construct, build, process, create, etc.  Add free energy and the cost will begin to drop as the cost of energy is removed.

We don't need to offer a tool to the psychopaths to further control Us to remove Us from Their control.

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