The Ambition vs Aspiration Debate

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Since a very early age, we are taught that ambition is what we need to go through Life at all cost, that there only are winners and losers, but here are we facing another catch 22.

What does come first: money or ambition? It is money, because the ambition is built upon the latter. Generally a career is motivated by the "earning factor". Yes, even in the artistic field. One seeks to get a foot in the door to become famous and when succeeding, the financial reward generally follows.

Fame, success, wealth... is it really worth it?

The nature of any ambitions is kind of tricky, because knowledge and perceptions evolve constantly, and this means that when we happen to think in terms of ambition and fame becomes relative -- and subjective.

Even living as an "entertainment icon": most of them found themselves dealing with the anxiety of never being good enough, and the stress to keep their fans in a state of exaltation. This is pretty nerve raking in the long run. Suicide more common as we think. Or many celebrities suddenly disappear completely because they aspire to have a "normal life" again. The celebrity factor is also extremely deceiving, because many "entertainment icons" are bought and sold by special interests.

Speaking out often means endangering one's career, whatever the field of action and may lead to the end of one's financially driven ambitions. Too often paychecks silence Truth. And this is very telling about the nature of the word "ambition" itself. It is a word that too often corrupts the quest for success: it always seems easier to follow the money, the path of the least resistance, than facing the consequence of speaking up one's heart.

Very often, and we do not hear enough about it (because the media are very biased when it comes down to it), is that when financial success is achieved, then comes the stress to remain on top of it, and which sounds elusive since we all die. Some day.

The top world meritocrats have found a way to circumvent this "elusiveness" by launching their own foundations to continue the propagation of various corporate illusions and fight competition, regardless of the human cost. Examples abound and well documented on this blog. One of their last tricks, the most successful by far, is the "promotion of digital immortality" to get their ways and wave a cyber prison all around us in the meantime.

Earth Custodians definitely support longer life spans, and should REAL science develop stem cell research for a greater good, it is not far fetched that humans could really enjoy 200-300 year life spans, while keeping in mind that we are created by Cosmic Laws and completely subjected to them: we cannot delay death indefinitely.

It also is useful to notice that truth seekers motivated by authentic planetary aspirations, because the future of Mankind is a top priority, were often assassinated or saw reputation being destroyed (by shadowy interests) as soon as they became too well known for their daunting views.

And this means that ambition and aspirations are fundamentally antagonistic. Nature has made it this way, because nobody will ever get rich with saving the world, if..,if the purpose and intent are genuine. It has to be a common goal motivated by the uniqueness of each individual and collaboration. Human skills being all complementary. Competition does not need to be . (see The Individualism vs Collectivism Debate)

Only Overcoming The “Psychosis Of Success” And A “Revolution Of Values” Can Free The Human Experience... If the market was truly open to challenging novelties and continually, one would never be able to “bank” on any goods anymore, because all goods would potentially be subjected to become obsolete overnight!.....

There is no way that we are going to fix the problems in the world, trying to accumulate any form of wealth. For a time, yes , maybe money could be used if not hoarded but injected into the system to change it directly, without seeing it as any form of investment but helping shape the new money-free communities or cities of the future.

Aspiration is the genius within. Genius is a lot more widespread that we think, it just gets trampled by the social indoctrination of success in the early childhood. It is imperative that individual aspiration to become the new social template if we ever want to muddle through what is coming.

Surprising Truth About What REALLY Drives The Human Nature

Manly P. Hall - Escape from the Tyranny of Our Own Thoughts​ | transcript segment...​

.... we are here by wonderful rules, a law that has been going on for millions of years, we are the product of a Life that have been unfolding for countless millennia, we are here for the unfolding of a divine spark within ourselves... the individual who does not see God in what is happening to him will never find deity at all... and our first emotion in life should not be a criticism of other people or circumstances but gratitude for the privilege of learning. We are here to face problems and solve them. The problems and the privilege above disasters and catastrophes, and finally to recognize the divine power of the infinite Love that rules all things.... every time we face a problem, the question should be what can I do so my faith is stronger than the emergency of living... that what is an emergency is when an individual makes a bad decision, because he has forgotten the principle on which life should be built upon... it is not an emergency that we grow older. It is not an emergency that we must give up certain privileges and opportunities as years go by... in every part of life, youth, age, old, we are living in a pattern of divine purpose.If we can get this thought fix in our mind, we will not be so given to all the worries and excitements that come along. We are worried today about economics, we always have been and always will be as long as we worship economics, as long as we make the dollar deity, we are going to be out worshiping the golden calf, and we always will be in trouble... Nature does not want man to live for ambition alone, it wants the individual to live with a little ambition and great deal of aspirations... aspirations mean to become more, ambition means to accumulate less, and the more we become the less dependent we become upon accumulation.... (lecture available on YT)

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What really exists - Jim Carrey (4mins)

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I am taking a vacation til the system starts responding better.

thank you for visiting my blog!

I am taking a vacation til the system starts responding better.
thank you for visiting my blog!

LOLZ, And there you have it. You are so unconcerned about money, right? I mean if you were trying to spread the word about how evil money is, you would have continued to post no matter how little money you got. Because spreading the word is the important thing, right?

Such a hypocrite!

actually, for 2 days I barely could post anything ...THE SYSTEM WAS BLOCKING ME FROM POSTING... it always said that didnt have any steem power, which was NOT true.

I will post anywhere, reward or not, I am on a mission, that of educating people as how tp get out of doomed materialism... and steemit is just a beginning :) The death of darwin and materialism, meritocracy, is on the horizon that you like it or not, with me or not spreading the word.

1 persone in 3 around me speaking of the possibility of a money free system

1 in 3 people? yea, I am not believing you.

I am on a mission

The only mission you are on is a mission to pad your bank account fooling idiots with bullshit. You should be so proud of your life's work.

The death of darwin and materialism, meritocracy, is on the horizon

Darwin is already dead, materialism will never die because we all have material needs, and what is wrong with meritocracy? You don't like the best people doing the jobs they are best suited for? lol, yea your stupid ideas are gonna win....

Yes spreading the word is important

it is not me that you have a problem with but your OWN senseless and vain materialistic atheism. But you are so much in denial that you do not grasp that. That is why you never address the data I share.

The stance against materialism is 1000s of year old, you idiot. I am not inventing anything, and TRUTH will win over as earth and humanity are being destroyed for profits. Facts are today OVERWHELMING.

I shortened my post because you are NOT worth my time anymore

Your "data" is bullshit promoted by scam artists. I used to go in depth with them but you keep reposting it anyway, so not worth my effort.

You post a bunch of bullshit and make money off of it. Congrats on living on the seedy underside of capitalism.

you never went in depth into anything I post but countered them with your corporatism, like GMOs and glyphsate are good... or that nuclear storage can go on for ever, no danger... and that slaves wages are fine because nobody is forced to work for peanuts... cRapitalism.

Hooking Kids On Sex Is A Multi-Billion Dollar Business

it is not me that you have a problem with but your OWN senseless and futile materialistic atheism. But you are so much in denial that you do not grasp that. It is not me you are after but the Sentient Universe ..... The stance against materialism is 1000s of years old. I am a messenger among the so many throughout history, and they are other organizations spreading the values I defend. I am not inventing anything, and TRUTH will win over as earth and humanity are being destroyed for profits. Facts are today OVERWHELMING.

You can lie to yourself all you like, it doesn't matter to me.

You are suicidal. If you kill materialism, you kill the human race. We are material, we have material needs. We need material food to sustain our lives, we need material roofs over our heads, we need physical space to exist in, and we need to physically interact with others to survive.

You don't even care about the unimaginable horrors you will unleash with your "no money" dream. Without money, the world's economies will stop. Trade and industry will become impossible. Billions will starve to death. But hey, the few that manage to survive will be able to survive on a subsistence level of existence, fighting off starvation for another day. Yea, quite the dream world you got there.

I know you are not inventing anything, you are simply repeating the bullshit of scam artists. And you are making money doing it. Congratulations on making money by repeating scammy bullshit. Perhaps one day you will consider doing something useful with your life, rather than scamming people out of their money.

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