Stimulated Desires And Autism Apocalypse By 2025 Likely

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

EARTH CUSTODIANS: The monetization of spirituality and religious beliefs has always existed. There is nothing new under the sun after all. The latter have always promoted a priviledged connection with God -- or The Source -- , an important factor explaining why most people would rather pray or meditate than questioning the purpose of war for example.

New age took this mentality up to the next level as it has isolated individuals further. It is not that the Ancient Wisdom often used by new age gurus is unworthy, far to the contrary, but the fact that only "certain aspects" are being promoted at the expense of Enlightenment. But that alone is the desired aftermath of the spritual and religious monopolies in place around the world.


WAKING TIMES We have literally thousands of online videos showing us how to improve almost every aspect of our lives by breathing, body postures, mental exercises, visualizations, and the good old self-to-mirror pep talks. We are told that we ‘create our own reality,’ despite the obvious fact that in many countries we have accepted sociopaths in power – or perhaps we voted them into office?

Monetarism divides because it induces individualism. Religious conglomerates have always known that of course , and the latter quickly anticipated the reward of financing the "create your own reality" mantra. Mindfulness would not only become extremely lucrative but imprison those unaware of the complexity of Ancient Wisdom. A majority.

Genuine spirituality works the other way round as it opens the heart-mind pathway, which is essential to establish a connection to the world and the Divine as well.

There are plentiful videos of some young, attractive person telling us how to reach inside for that ‘something higher’ as they have a clean beach and rolling waves in the background. The commodity spirit tells us that having one hundred thousand subscribers is a good sign of the health of the soul. Spreading the Holy Spirit these days gets rated by rising subscribers and on how many people click the thumbs up.

Channels with a huge traffic do not guarantee anything at all but their success are often linked to their ability to reinforce spiritual individualism, not to mention that they usually work for their own monetized ratings. This bad synergy goes both ways .

But let's dig deeper here: the system is designed that way. The system wants us to behave as the monopoly tells us to.

To change the system, we thus must change the mindset first . The author of this Waking Times article blames the dangerous and mercantile aspect of a trend instead of seeing that people are the mere products of a completely twisted and dark social framework.

This scenario has remained unchanged throughout the ages, and because the core issue was never addressed, the latter is about to reach a paroxysm facilitated by technology .

We are being drawn into new modes of seduction – a form of ‘always available’ easy access. Seductions no longer tease us with waiting but can be instantaneously ‘streamed’ in the ever-present now. We are entering saturation point of the sexually explicit – online pornography raises its head as the new ‘desire of despair’ at the same time as children are being groomed, pedophiles are virtually gathering, and the beast within us licks its hideous lips.

Anybody aware of what monetarism really does to society will undeniably also see the great evil perpetrated 24/7 in the name of instant gratification people seek in anything they do, and not only just about spirituality but gluttony and sexuality.

Such a mindset is for sure very misguided, and we really ought to pay attention to the CRISP-R and SynBio industries selling us the fantasy of designer babies when the worship of materialism shows no signs of slowing down -- and whisleblower and MIT researcher, Dr. Stephanie Sennef, predicting that 50% of children are expect to be born with autism by 2025!

Money is like a drug, triggers the need to be possessed by beliefs and lusty aspirations to combat inner despair. This way will come the downfall of our civilization. This hard drug stimulates endorphine and dopamine levels, but we all know how it so often ends with hard drugs. There are no drug addicts happy.



(2014) Autism Apocalypse by 2025? What would happen if the prediction by MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff came true?

Why Half Of All Children Could Be Autistic by 2025 (2015) 5mins

(2019) Autism and glyphosate: Dr. Stephanie Sennef 1/4


Money is a tool. It can be used for good or bad. Make your choice wisely.

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