It Will Be Done By 2030

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

Since we started publishing on steemit, our stance has always been that AI is the greatest threat ever to Mankind, and we stick to our stance. Although at first glance this science daily article sounds intriguing and kinda funny at once, we regard the first AI simulation test as a huge flashing light!

AI will learn by itself, without any human input at some point and there precisely lies the danger, because we'll lose the ability to reason by ourselves. Each of our thoughts will be processed by AI, and AI will use them to manipulate the outcomes it seeks to obtain.

Now the fairy tale says that we'll just need brain implants to adjust and become super-intelligent, but that's the bait. Just like we're groomed for decades with the idea that money buys freedom... today AI will give us superpowers... the deception is rather blatant. Only the 0.001% will get such implants and organize with AI the Dystopian domination of society. 99% won't be able to interact with AI directly.

This article makes it crystal clear that AI already can think independently. The video below features David Icke who explains in 10 mins how we are being hooked on the technology grid -- and the end goal, step by step -- turning humans into mere data. What we talked about in one of our blogs last week. That will be it for today, that was a small but important update that needed to be shared.

It Will Be Done By 2030 – video

The first AI universe sim is fast and accurate and its creators don't know how it works June 26, 2019

For the first time, astrophysicists have used artificial intelligence techniques to generate complex 3D simulations of the universe. The results are so fast, accurate and robust that even the creators aren't sure how it all works. The Deep Density Displacement Model can accurately simulate how the cosmos would look if certain parameters were tweaked -- such as the dark matter composition of the universe -- even though the model never received training data where those parameters varied.

"It's like teaching image recognition software with lots of pictures of cats and dogs, but then it's able to recognize elephants," Ho explains. "Nobody knows how it does this, and it's a great mystery to be solved."


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