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RE: The Brave New World Is HERE! Scientists Weighing The Increase Of Lithium In Tap Water

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

does not decide what it can take? You'd better know otherwise you end up committing suicide. Earth and Man are mirrors of one another. No respect for Earth, means that Man becomes a danger for himself. Shows how stupid scientists are -- and people who believe them. Its impossible to take care of earth when money is designed to exploit LIFE and human labor, extract the last penny from earth for profit.

Wars and owning earth... and now we have AI weaponry (created by mindless scientists) all over the globe. LOL

Like I said, my last reply to you. Your lack of awareness is beyond astounding


Man is a sentient animal made up of mostly water. The earth is a spinning ball of molten nickle and iron. Not exactly mirror images.

You are just trying to anthropomorphize our planet. This is kind of understandable, it is what our brain does. Our brain tries to give agency to random patterns.

@uvas Speaking of brains, you need to open yours. Your closed mind only cuts you off from the bigger picture. You aren't even giving @earthcustodians a chance. Everything discredited as fiction, when these things are being observed and studied. This is NOT fiction. It will be of growing difficulty for you to continue these arguments as time passes, as things become more clear to you... all I ask is that you remain patient with yourself to avoid humbling arguments. Good day, @uvas

These are not even arguments. Most of what has been posted is nonsense. This latest example: the earth is alive. Really? My mind isn't open enough to see that a big molten blob of iron is alive? Really?

Sure, a lot of woo woo conjectures have been stated. Anyone can claim anything. The important bit is proving your assertions.

I post here to help people think critically and not just automatically accept woo woo as if it had basis in reality...which it doesn't. :)

critical thinking? You surely have none...

earth is alive because every cell composing earth is ALIVE... and functioning according to a program dictated by its own level of awareness, that is precisely why cells KNOW what do to without any human intervention. They have a program which is to birth Life. And this means that the ENTIRE universe is CONSCIOUS and ALIVE.

can you dig it?

I guess not. I am going to mute you eventually, because you are not disagreeing but trolling because my materials shake your deep being and you do not want to question what you know. You have a certain age, you told me so maybe it is too late to accept that scientism lied to you from a to z

You lost the debate a long while ago. Check out my new blog on vibrations that I will post later today, that everything is VIBRATION... proven scientifically, which is part of the cosmic program/consciousness that you refute like a child throwing a fit. LOL

Is Water ALIVE?! Water Responds to Our Words, Music & Even Thoughts

every cell responds to VIBRATION

I disagree with the UBI, I am not trolling any of its supporters, I may show up and leave 3 or 4 messages once weekly, but you have a deep problem of self-confidence, but you call it "critical thinking".

But thanks, I now have more arguments to prove scientism as an aberration of the mind.

Water Memory (Documentary of 2014 about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier)

EVERY LIVING ORGANISM has a memory, precisely why we have GENETIC diseases.... which can be addressed with a change of mindset, like going organic for example and reclaim our food chain. By 2020 some sources claim that 50% of adults will have experienced cancer... thank you scientism.

Yep, living organisms have genetic diseases. It is because living things have genetic materials. And sometimes those genetic materials are copied incorrectly.

I dug a hole in my backyard looking for the earth's genetic material, but I couldn't find any. I couldn't find any earth cells neither. It appeared to me that the earth is made up of inert matter. I wonder if this experiment means the earth is not alive, and therefore can't make any kind of decision regarding humanity.

tnx zacharius, uvas is pro-atheistic sciences, and at this stage he is not offering any critical thinking but trolling. He ridicules himself.

And to you, @earthcustodians, I'm quite excited for your vibrations post. Love the efforts, keep it up. As is seen consistently in all efforts, there will be adversary!

adversary, yes, but uvas is taking a forced vacation now. I have replied all his messages for 6 weeks and I am just tired of this

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