Average US Family Pays More To Hospitals Than To The IRS

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Once the monopoly gets that big, it is impossible to break it down without causing a major economic dislocation. So forget about the "Hospital Competition Act of 2019" mentioned in the forbes article. This case again highlights the impossibility of preventing competition and collusion as long as money still exists.

Furthermore, the chart below is kind of chilling... why are the IRS taxes not increasing at all, is it because life expectancy will drop by much, meaning less costs for medicare programs?

But this article is also biased because in EU, people have much higher taxes making up for socialized medicine. And since EU is financially broke, as broke as the US, agenda 21-30 makes of course a lot of sense. Dots are easy to connect, aren't they?

Jan 26, 2019 In 2018, The Average Family Paid More To Hospitals Than To The Federal Government In Taxes

.......... Overall, as a country, Americans spent $1.2 trillion on hospital care in 2018. That’s over $3,600 for every man, woman, and child in the U.S. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services project that, by 2026, hospital spending will rise to $1.8 trillion: over $5,300 per person........ That is to say, the average family now hands over more of its paycheck to the hospital industry than it does to the federal government in taxes.....

An opportunity for real reform. The best and least-disruptive way to reduce the high cost of hospital care in America is to increase competition for hospital services. Hospitals have been merging with each other for decades; as a result, in many parts of the country, a single hospital mega-system has a virtual monopoly, and takes advantage of its market power to charge exploitative prices to the privately insured and uninsured.... MORE

Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 Exposed ~ Rosa Koire

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