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RE: The Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy...

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

I actually give credibility to everyone on a case by case basis. I don't agree with someone due to appeals to authority. I prefer evidence as well. Most of the conspiracy theories that get debated the hardest and have the most conflict seem to revolve around events where even the official explanation is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Why is this? In those cases the necessary evidence is not available to anyone to prove one thing or the other. In those cases it does seem to go with a lot of opinion and it can get truly crazy and hostile. Yet I still listen. I've heard people say a theory and think 90% of it is utter crap, but they might have some idea that was in there say 10% (pulling these numbers out of my ass... so don't take them seriously) that is something of interest. Having 10% something interesting does not mean I suddenly believe the other 90% they said as well. That is not how logic and reason work. Likewise, I don't ignore the possibility that 10% might be there. I am quite capable of reading, hearing, and watching people speak about things without having to believe them. I am also capable of finding to me things that may be hidden gems or at least things that inspire me to go look further myself.

You won't find me telling you THIS IS HOW it is... That'd be bullshit. Now on both side of the fence we get people who treat it more as dogma and won't budge. We have the conspiracy theorists who theorized something (actually hypothesized) and decide it is truth and won't budge, and on the other side we have the people who believe that no conspiracy theories exist and that no one should give such thoughts the time of day. It is my OPINION that both sides in that battle are being idiots and need a good swift kick in the ass to make them snap out of it. Reason does not mean plugging our ears and going NAH NAH NAH I'm not going to listen to you. It is stupid when either side does it. I am not one of those people. I'll do my damndest to deflate a conspiracy theory/hypothesis if I can see a way to do it. If I cannot then I'll try to do my own research. Even if I start to believe a theory is probable that does not make it the truth to me. It only means that with what facts and evidence I have available to me it seems the most probable. New information can shatter that. I am actually fine with that. I try really hard not to get dogmatic about anything. I have in the past. I guess you can say that I can look at myself in the mirror and say "Cognitive Dissonance I am coming for you!" That doesn't mean I always succeed, but I do think I'm getting better at it. I tend to notice when it is influencing me faster than I did when I was younger. Practice....

As to which conspiracy theorist are you supposed to trust? No one. You should never give into Appeals to Authority. You shouldn't trust news outlets completely either? Appeal to Authority is a logical fallacy. Trust yourself, but keep an open mind and toss aside what you can disprove, and stick the things on a mental shelf to investigate further that you are unsure of. As you do that you'll have your own ideas, and you won't have to trust any other HUMAN to tell you the answers. No one should have authority over your mind, but you.

The world needs more open minds and rational thought. Moderation is totally subjective and dependent on the opinion of the person. What you might consider moderation I might feel is extreme and vice versa. Telling other people how to live their lives does not work. Worry about your own. So I don't tell people to be more moderate. Someone tells me this I'll mentally flip them off as I smile at them. No one has the right to imply or tell me how I should live. I do think if we had more open minds and less rigid thoughts and we were all well versed in logic/reason/critical thinking that what you likely are considering moderation would happen on its own.

If you are a reptile man... pretty damn cool. We should meet so I can see you flick your eye membranes and stuff. And just in case you are taking me seriously, I am joking with you too. I have never seen anything that makes me think reptile people are probable. I don't shut it down 100% because I don't know everything and I haven't been able to study personally a single person that is reported to be such. I do find it amusing.

I also don't think there is an Alien base under Denver International Airport and I live near there and have been there numerous times. :)

Will I make mistakes... definitely... everyone does. The person that tells you that they don't make mistakes is someone you likely don't want anything to do with.

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