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RE: Esoterica, Magic, and other Unknown or perhaps Occulted concepts...

in #philosophy8 years ago

Glad you found some value in the post. For me I was walking into an area I am sometimes uncomfortable speaking about because so many friends I have that I respect are 100% opposed and closed minded about such topics and they really are not people I want to be at odds with. I tend to therefore stick with the science and things that can be measured for the most part because it is the SAFE path. @alchemage speaking with me yesterday inspired me to take the risk and instead walk the SAGE path. :)


You shouldn't let anyone dictate your belief system or where you stand. If they are friends or family.. they will love you regardless of what you believe in. I grew up pentecostal/apostolic pretty harsh religion... I have my own understanding of what I feel and experience.. no one will change that experience as it is exclusive to myself.

I have seen first hand different variations of what you mentioned above and all of them should be considered as dangerous but necessary forces in our existence.

Either way, there will always be "KARMA" "GOOD/BAD" "BLACK/WHITE" "YIN/YANG" DARKNESS AND LIGHT.. it really depends on where we feel the most comfort, where we inevitably choose to live.

I grew up in the pentecostal/apostolic religion... I learned to stay away from religion and build on what my own experience and knowledge has taught me. Being my own spirit free of order has never felt better

Oh I don't let them dictate my beliefs. I just choose my battles. I don't actually believe in ANY written religion. I personally see them as all the words of man. Yet I don't go out of my way to challenge people who do believe in them (unless invited to). Most of the time that is a no win situation for them or me. So my friends don't dictate my beliefs. I simply know some topics would be a waste of time to discuss with them.

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