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RE: I don't believe...

in #philosophy5 years ago

I tried. Years ago. He has chosen his path and is certain it is the correct one. He has the power to brush aside any challenges he doesn't want to hear. Sometimes he has some good ideas, but sadly he seems "settled" in his perceptions.

I don't think he is a bad guy. I even think he has some good ideas. :) I just think he is unwilling to consider things that do not fit his current world view. He is not alone. That is likely how the majority of the people in the world think.


you have a higher opinion of him than I do.

Oh. I don't like him. Yet I've seen him do some good things. I don't see it as an excuse for his actions, but I do see the human.

what 'good thing ' has he done other than talk about things that he is doing his best to stop?
recall the words
"if you want more of something...subsidize it. If you want less of it."

he's proposed a number of times to tax wealth.

He funded some steemit projects that have helped steem and steemit. Steemcleaners, and some of the minnow type projects. That's about all I can think of at the moment.

oh..THAT Bernie...I thought you were speaking of the other one.
BUT...I stand by my statement.

No the politician I was not speaking about. I don't know anything good the politician has done.

Stalin and Hitler helped people out, to....your point?

Heh. Yeah. He is like them in that regard.

JUST IN: Top Bernie Sanders Adviser Accused Of Sexual Assault
of course Bernie knew nothing about it. It comes as a complete SHOCK to him.

Heheh. It won't matter, he's a lefty. They don't get held accountable. The crime is reported, then ignored.

that would be true.

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