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RE: A Legacy of Fear - Selling your soul wasn't even as evil as it could get...

in #philosophy7 years ago

Observe and deduct is called a hypothesis or speculation. That is not proof.

I can observe and deduct and make up MANY different plausible explanations. That used to be a game of mine. That doesn't make any of them true.

They just could explain what I observed at the time. Yet it didn't prove anything.

Observation and Deduction are not sufficient for ANY kind of proof. That is just the hypothesis stage. AKA speculation, guessing.


observing, and deducting is basically science. You can prove where you are, which in turn proves a creator, get it? No speculation required. This is not about religion. Trust me, I'm not religious. I'm a heavy metal freak , not a jesus freak. I just stumbled upon the truth, as known by secret societies and many more.. The answers are CLEARLY known.

Your observance of your existence does not proof the existence of a creator (or anything else at that).

The observance of a fish also does not prove the existence of a fisher boat.

observing, and deducting is basically science.

No it is not.

That is the first few stages of the scientific method. Science is things discovered using the scientific method.

It doesn't stop at those stages, and those first few stages prove absolutely NOTHING. It requires all of the stages to actually prove something.

so, no, it's not.. but it's the first few steps. :) LOL Thanks.

Hypothesis, plus controlled observation, repeated is part of it. Analysis/Deduction and links to other works is the last part.
Finally conclusions comes next.... based on observation and deduction.

I think I said it 'basically' as stated. I am aware of the extra steps, and repeatablity, etc.. also statistical analysis of errors, etc... I could go on, but most smart people who understand how things work get the gist of what I said.

I think I said it 'basically' as stated.

Then you think wrong. You either stated it as the scientific method is stated, or you did not. In your case you did not. Moving words around and taking them into a context of your choice and skipping steps, ignoring others, and jumping to conclusions without challenge is not even close to the scientific method, and thus is NOT science. It is only opinion, guessing, and speculation. You can call it observation and hypothesis as that is as far as it goes.

You can prove where you are, which in turn proves a creator, get it.

That is a pretty ignorant conclusion to make. First Saying you can PROVE something is not doing it. So prove it. Don't just talk about it. First proving ONE thing and then making a conclusion about something completely different is not even close to proof or science. There is the saying "Correlation does not equal Causation." Your premise is a good example of this with one problem. It also doesn't actually even prove or show any correlation.

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