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RE: The benefits of an Ice Age: Hypothetical ramblings to you straight from the curvy passages of my mind.

in #philosophy7 years ago

The narrative is mostly protected by the short term memory habits of the average person. I mean how many people even question what you and I are talking about?

Global Warming -> Climate Change -> Extreme Weather

The funny thing about Extreme Weather that is an aspect of Climate Change too... that's why I really dislike them using the term "Climate Change" because that is like the bucket that holds everything. So anything can happen, even the opposite of what they have been saying and they can say "See, that's climate change". Yes, it is climate change, but it's not the type of climate change you've been talking about.

Now to show I am not completely biased. If the water content that is free flowing in the world due to melting increases then yes, that likely would cause some weather changes. Yet, our grasp of weather is sometimes weak enough that predicting the impact may not be very accurate.

To me it has felt a lot like the seasons have actually been shifting some... winter coming later, and lasting longer... so it has been more like taking the seasons and the months they previously started and ended and moving them so the start and end points are in different months.


That is an interesting point I never considered. The seasons really do come later but last longer. We got some snow on the ground maybe two weeks ago. I guess I kind of am biased in the sense that I don't buy into their predictions. Mainly my own reasoning being we can't predict tomorrows weather, how can we predict weather 50 years from now? I guess time will tell really, maybe with some real research we kind of the ideal path go address our ever changing world.

Well their argument they will make and it is valid in this case is that Weather is not the same thing as Climate. It is a part of Climate.

That illustrates why I don't like their change to using the phrase "Climate Change" as that is the large bucket into which every form of weather, global cooling, global warming exist. So it is truly hedging bets. This is especially true when you consider the Climate has always been changing before man, and it will continue to change.

They like to blame everything on man, as it helps their agenda.

The problem is that there are some really BIG factors when it comes to Climate that have nothing to do with man. The sun and its activity is a huge one. If the sun alters in any way that definitely will impact our climate. That also can't be blamed on man, though they likely would try.

They would love to pass this Carbon Tax scam... it gives them power, oppresses the people more, and it is a step towards a one world government since all member nations would have to answer to an unelected board above their government.

And yet so many people buy into this. I'm amazed at how this was pushed so hard in schools and no one questioned it. I'm just glad I was to turned off at the time to catch the disease. Thankfully not everyone is buying into it now.

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