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RE: Esoterica, Magic, and other Unknown or perhaps Occulted concepts...

in #philosophy8 years ago

Yes the thing about my view of this energy is it is kind of peaceful and passive when it comes to religion. It doesn't really care whether you are Christian, or a Native American Shaman. It makes it so they could ALL be real in some way. Now there are of course going to be fundamental differences in each religion, yet at the basic level I do think there is some energy that could be focused by all. They've shown that prayer can help in healing, and in some cases it seemed to happen even when the person being prayed for was unaware of it. I do not know how rigorous in terms of scientific method these tests were, so they could potentially be completely invalid in terms of science.

Yet let's assume there is merit to it. This energy responding to prayer doesn't seem to differentiate whom you are praying to. You could pick any religious target and being praying and hoping the person is healed and it seems to have some effect.

I find that interesting.

I did find the real meaning of the word OCCULT very interesting, that is why I chose to share it.

I am not encrypting my email, I am occulting it. :)


I love it. While I personally believe this particular case is a scam, I do find it quite interesting the idea that our thoughts and words can have effects on the things around us. Frozen Water supposedly this man takes pictures of the water after praying or say positive or negative things and has made a book of the microscopic photos.

I do think words can effect the person, but whether that happens on a molecular level is up for debate.

Every time I type a password I'm going to be thinking about "de"culting my content haha.

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