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RE: Is your first instinct to belittle and claim you are being censored?

in #philosophy8 years ago

Yes. This was basically it. I read and up voted a lot of his blogs. My initial comment to him wasn't even hostile. I agreed with the fact such things he was describing were happening. Yet to use the label implied EVERY single person on the left is that way.

He described my comments as "logical self detonating word salad" yet he never actually addressed my comments with anything other than some platitudes, belittling, and eventually a down vote.

I knew he was young. I've known that for awhile. So him calling me young did have me snickering.

Anyway, I'll not be following him. I did appreciate his articles, but if he believes himself to be infallible and is this arrogant I really don't have an interest in his thoughts. Without the ability to consider when we might be wrong, or even partially wrong I find that our thoughts and beliefs tend to become tainted, and lose the ability to adapt.

If I happen to see that he's learned some humility and decided not to attack people who are not attacking him just because they don't bask in his brilliance the way he was hoping then I'd consider following him again. Not at this time though.