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RE: Why is propaganda effective? How does mental corruption take place?

in #philosophy7 years ago

I actually think what happened with Trump was not part of the plan. The panic and overreaction that hasn't really stopped afterwards seems to support that.

Plus news week already having covers printed for Madam President... that didn't work out.

I sure as hell didn't want her to win as I've done too much research on her and I consider her one of the most corrupt politicians in U.S. history. I didn't used to have a problem with her.

Still even considering that I was pretty sure she was going to win. I even said it up to a year before the election. She had too many of the boxes checked for the people that get to be president. She also had the media pushing for her hard. Perhaps too hard... that might be part of the backfire, some of the people that don't usually notice the media bias might have actually noticed it for a change.

The Seth Rich leaks to wikileaks about DNC and Hillary colluding against Bernie also was bad for her. Very bad.

There was even indications of fraudulent activities going on IN HER favor on election day. I spoke to some people on that day that witnessed it.

Yet at least in PA where a bunch of it was she still lost.

I kind of thought they may have underestimated how much they had to cheat.

Thus why before the election Hillary and Obama both had to tell Trump not to be a poor sport when he lost, because the system works...

Yet when she didn't win... it was full on panic mode and it was clear some news outlets didn't quite know what to do.

Then the hypocrisy kicked in and Hillary and Obama began doing what they told Trump not to do...

Could it all be a show... a spectacle.... yes

However, I do think something may have gone off script in this and they are reacting to that.


My theory is that they wanted trump to run against hillary to seal it for her, but also because even if he did win it would really only be a minor set back.

Even if he wasn't at war with corporate media, the amount of damage he would do to the status quo is very limited. Consider his background, his world, his perspective - remember, he doesn't even think the banks have really done anything wrong.

Like you, I thought for sure hillary would get it. But now that she didn't, the only solace we get is the shadenfreude of seeing the low information liberals lose their shit day after day. Really though, even though the differences at the top are minor, one important thing has happened - the left, who gave obama a pass for 8 years now has to oppose everything trump does, even if it is the same as what obama was doing. That is useful. I'm kind of worred what happens after next election, when we revert to total puppet (rather than 90% puppet) - we will have smug lefties rallying behind biden or whoever and then crazytown all over again for anyone who cares about freedom.

That sums it up pretty nicely.

Remember that CHAOS is THE goal.
THEN a lot of things make sense in fooling both "sides".
The REAL POWER.. REAL TOP couldn't care less about politicians and so called powerful illuminati, rich peps etc. etc. .. They are only useful for a purpose.. When hell brake lose and these people aren't needed or useful anymore..
Bye bye..... Everyone for themselves ... And if your not IN, your OUT!
Ps. All humans.. Rich or poor (even those in the pic below) .. Are simple soldiers (marionettes) for The REAL POWER .. For a purpose and time .. Again..
Read "The art of war". ;)

Their intimidation tactics may have backfired on them as far as polling goes; usually the democong "find" just enough votes in the trunk of some poll worker's car to put them over the edge.

Having the right amount of ballots ready requires some level of accurate polling, but with the D+10, or +15 samples they were taking to skew the media propaganda, they weren't going to get accuracy.

On top of that, I think people weren't being honest with the polls (who wants the pollster to know you are deplorable)

Finally, there are probably more than a few things which threw the political class off the tracks; we were talking a coupla days ago about Rust Belt voters

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