Islamophobia, Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Big Butt OPhobia, Skinny OPhobia, Long Nose Phobia, none are illegal

in #philosophy7 years ago

I was just listening to Real News with David Knight (2nd hour) and he was talking about an area in Maryland that was making a housing development that is Muslim only. If you are not Muslim then you cannot live there or purchase homes. This has been challenged as being discrimination which has been responded to with the "You are Islamophobic".

This inspired the post here. If I disagree with a person that is not perceived as "white" then these days that makes me "racist". It doesn't matter that I simply disagreed with something which had nothing to do with skin color. It didn't matter that skin color is NOT a RACE. All that matters is they were not white and I disagreed.

Now I often remember the movie Hotel Rwanda which is a movie based upon a true story. In that movie the black people will killing other black people in huge numbers. It was over some other perceived difference. It has been awhile but I do think the main identifiers were either nose or neck related. I also want to qualify that I've never actually seen a person that is "black" but instead shades of brown. I use the term black as this is how people of that appearance self identify.

So bigotry which is really what this is arises in almost every circumstance. Skin Color, Hair Style, Political Affiliation, Sexual Preference, Social Class, Religious Affiliation, National Citizenry, Ideology, and virtually anything else can be taken up as a mantle of bigotry.

Guess what? It's not illegal. Also if we truly believe in freedom then we should realize we cannot STOP/PREVENT other people from disliking something.

They can, and they will. In fact, you likely do yourself.

The problem is when they pass laws that disfavor, penalize, or elevate someone based upon some personal opinion on who is better and who is worse. This is called discrimination. This in many places is illegal.

Something that is often forgotten these days is the so-called white people can be discriminated against as well.

The term racism as people like to use it applies when used against people with "white" skin just like it does when used against those of "black" or "shades of brown" skin. In that respect it is still "racism". I put racism in quotes because unless we are secretly aliens or David Icke's Reptillians then we are all the Human Race. Skin Color is not race. Human is the race. So being against a skin color is really bigotry, not racism. Labeling it racism is the left over baggage from when people in the past viewed different skin colors as not being the human race. We know this is not the case and have for some time, so the term racism is inaccurate in the method it is used these days.

As far as the Islamophobia I began this post with. I can have fear of islamic or muslim people if I want. I simply cannot pass laws discriminating against them. I cannot refuse them service due to their faith. Likewise, I cannot create services and such that are only available to them and not others. That too is discrimination.

So to those of you that throw around the "Islamophobia", "Homophobia", and "Racism" labels liberally. "So what?"

I can be all of those things if I want. I simply cannot pass laws and such that discriminate.

I will tell you now that I personally am none of those things.

I am a bigot against two things. "Willful Stupidity", and "Bigotry".

I added Willful because I don't totally believe in "stupidity" when it is simply ignorance. Ignorance means a person still has a chance to learn. By Willful I am referring to those that have made up their mind and have done so from a position of ignorance and refuse to listen to anything to the contrary. This means they've made up their mind, and they have closed the door to learning anything new.

I am a human. I am a male.
My skin color is a splotchy mix of yellows, pinks, and other pale colors. It surely doesn't look like a white sheet of paper or the FFFFFF color scheme, but it is what people like to label "white". As such the DNC is pushing that people with my skin color who are heterosexuals shouldn't be able to get tech jobs in the future. There are quite a few things happening where people of my skin color are unwelcome. I also cannot challenge anyone on the content of their ideas without being called "racist" simply due to being born with my skin color. I could purchase a bunch of fake tan stuff and perhaps sneak through.

I have a lot of native american heritage. This means many of my ancestors were not what is considered "white". Yet that is not how genetics work. Genes express in different ways.

Woe to any albinos out there regardless of their heritage.


all talking about homophobia but no one about heterophobia, that exist in Hollywood.

In it's current state the criteria for being a "racist," "homophobe," or "whatever-fill-in-the-blank-a-phobe" in 2017 are right on par with the criteria for being a witch in Salem Mass. around 1692...

I think much of this is people looking for their victim status. If you haven't noticed this generally involves one group of people coughing up resources to another group, or making some sort of concessions. If this weren't the case you would see all this projection and victim card seeking shrivel up almost overnight.

Well a human can only act like a human. The problem is that there are some pretty negative human behaviors that we have to be willing to learn not to do. We can't just magically stop being assholes. :)

Such a wonderful Sharing @dwinblood.

As much as the Facebook generation hates to admit it, Its normal to prefer your own own family and tribe. Its how nature works across all species.

If you are among your own tribe you'll stratify there as well.

I'm not convinced people can happily stratify on Facebook. It's the old saying 'if you try please everyone, no one is impressed'

Wouldn't know. I stopped using Facebook years ago.

I totally agree, with one exception, there is no human race, there is the human species, the race is not only skin color, but also many other characteristics. Now, what you say, is truly worrisome, because I sincerely believe that although white heteroxesual man is not yet directly discriminated, since there are no laws about it, it is sad if they intend to sanction such laws. Concerning, that you could be homophobic, Islamophobic or racist and not have any problem, unless you discriminate through a law, because it violates the State of right, you have all the reason.

Yep I knew technically we are a Species. I do not believe in race in humans either. Genes in humans move all over the place. I see "Race" when applied to humans as an artificial construct people use to label. Just like any other label we like to use up to let us mentally justify actions...

It's okay that I did X, because the person was a Y

Y = Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Trump Supporter, Trump Basher, Capitalist, Imperialist, Fascist, Communist, Socialist, Anarchist, etc

Words matter and I guess in a perfect world everyone would be blind and not able to see color or a person but then we have that thing called speech and then it would be north against the south. We have a heart problem in this world and until it is addressed and folks are willing to change themselves we won't have change.

If we were blind we'd simply talk about skin texture then. :)

Yup until the heart changes nothing changes...

Islamophobia is a good thing. Muslims are instructed to kill non Muslims. Having Islamophobia could save your life. Some Muslims are very dangerous. They read the Koran and then follow its explicit instructs to kill non-belivers.

I dont think thats the case actually. There are close to two billion muslims on the planet and they where around even when the whole world was terrified of communism. At that time Muslim people werent a threat but they are now? Also I would make the case that what one muslim does doesnt mean its a based on their religon. The same goes for what one african does doesnt base it on their race. So in the same vain what one white person does doesnt make all white people villians or mentally unstable.

You mention communism but not the 100m deaths it caused? Also, Muslims are and always have been a threat. 700m infidels have been massacred under the name of Islam.

The word 'SLAVE" comes from the Muslim slave trade. Slav's who were captured and enslaved by Muslims.

If you don't think Muslims are a threat, please emigrate to an Islamic nation. If you can't do that, then go live in Malmo, Sweden and live the dream.

You do not solve the problem of hating with more hate, You cannot deny that if it was a case of what people did wrong no one would be completely innocent.

Also you tell me to emigrate to am Islamic nation. Im from South Africa.
If you know anything about my countries past you would know that we stand in the face of diversity and try to overcome such things.

I doubt you have lived through regimes that made it law to hate and judge peoples worth just because they we born.

Responding to such things are important to try an find common ground, but it is not healthy or worth the negativity to stay in the rut that peoples mindsets put themselves in.

We cant change the past, but if we choose to repeat history in the future then are we any better?

I'm not the one who is hating @fates.

Please stick to facts.

The Koran is full of hatred and bigotry. It instructs Muslims to massacre innocent infidels.

Me stating the truth is not hating.

Muslims following the teachings of Mohammed, which is to hate and kill infidels on the other hand is in fact hating.

If you allow these hateful teachings into your country, what do you think will happen?

In NYC, were the victims who got run ovef by the truck hateful people?

Do we stop this hatred by bringing more hateful people into our country?

Or do we stop the hatred and killing by banning hateful Muslims who kill innocent people?

Yes they do follow the teachings of the last prophet Muhammad.

But I think if they are doing things like killing ect... its not Islamic.

You speak of facts but like all things in holy books its open to interpretation.

The so called muslims you speak of sound like extremists. To me they arent muslims they are murderers.

Mohammad Ali, was Muslim... do you think he wanted to murder the 'infidels'?

And concerning facts @fighterone , I actually am somewhat capable of reading Arabic and have started to learn Hebrew as well.. the words are taken out of context its not even meant for non believers but on that note: the fundamental Quranic principle is that fighting is allowed only in self-defense, and it is only against those who actively fight against the muslims themselves.

In my city ..about 40% of Cape Townians are Muslim.
Brought to South Africa by the British slave trade.. so yes Slavery in which the British captured Malaysians and put them on a ship which went to the Cape of Good hope...

I understand slavery, but in this case the Muslims were the slaves...
In a city that has so many Muslims that I hear the man in the Masjied/mosque call to prayer everyday...uhm I kinda think I can say that the type of people you speak of are NOT the Muslim, but may be using religion/a cause as an excuse for evil deeds.

Like the crusades,like the Nazis, ect.

People are evil for lack of empathy and granted they cannot have empathy if they do not understand.

Look for all the facts. The ones that support your claims and the ones that does not. I do not profess to know it all. But I do know what I have experienced with Muslim people, with Hindu people and Christians of many sects.

Have you spent time with a Muslim person?

I have looked at all the facts @fates.

The Koran explicitly instructs Muslim to massacre infidels.

Muslims have been massacring infidels for over 1400 years.

The Crusades were in response to constant Muslim attacks upon Europe. Muslims have been attackinb and invadinb Europe even before England ever became a country.

Muslims to this day engage in slave trade. The Koran instructs them to keep slaves and some Muslims even have sex slaves.

You accused me of being hateful but all I do is tell the truth.

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"Racism" is now a technical term, jargon in the Social Sciences. It is bigotry coming from the group who has institutional power. The playing field is not level.

Anglo Americans have enforced institutional bigotry, "racism" over the course of our national history. I think one could also argue that Anglo Englanders have done the same to the Gaelic folk in Ireland.

It is all willful stupidity to hate each other for skin color rather than content of character. I appreciate your post, but I do think that using the jargon "racism" has some semantic value because it describes power systems as well as visual descriptors.

These days I don't believe racism has any value as a label. It is diluted and used as a kneejerk reaction to any disagreement so it is losing any value it may have had in the terms which you described it. Had you told me that two years ago, I likely would have agreed with you. Today, I do not as I see the label "racism" used more often for things that have absolutely nothing to do with skin color than what would have been a legitimate use. The overuse, is destroying it's value at describing an action, since it is used to describe any challenge.

I completely agree, it's been thrown into the semantic trashfire along with the rest of our words. It seems that Newspeak is driving us all into stunned cattle to the slaughter.

Evelyn Beatrice Hall said:

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

I think those are words to live by.

Yep you either want FREE SPEECH which means all speech, or you don't.

Free speech means people are going to say things we don't like. That doesn't mean we should be able to silence them. That is not free speech. That is oppression and authoritarianism.

I fully agree, often all statements made are just that, what each person deems to be true is their truth and we have the right to believe whatever we want. They say that theres two sides to every story, but there are so many more. Most of our bias and judgements comes from our pesonal experiences and because of that, we realise that what we say is based on what we feel. It starts with the individual. It should be a story of an US, of humanity , rather than a them against us or visa versa. Nothing brings people closer and at the same creates a great divide than predjudice that is further fueled by hate or rage.

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