I don't celebrate Valentine's Day

in #philosophy6 years ago

But I do celebrate love.

All kinds of love. Not just the romantic or sexual aspects of love that are glamorized in pop culture. I celebrate the kind of love one conscious being can have for another, rooted in a love for oneself.

I believe we can't truly love others until we love ourselves. This healthy, conscious, natural love comes from knowing and understanding ourselves. Thus, all love begins with self-knowledge.

When I can know myself, I can understand myself and accept myself. When I can love myself, my love for others will flow naturally.

My grandmother, who died 3 years ago, would have been 95 this week. It's she who I think about when I think of unconditional love. She was there for me, flying in to New Zealand when I was born, and all through my life. Her consistent love, devotion, attention, and care showed me what safety feels like. Losing her - though expected - shattered me, and I've been trying to recover ever since. The loss of that love she provided me is monumental. She radiated love. She never betrayed me, never turned me down, was always there for me. Always. She never got any recognition for any of this, except my love, respect, and devotion in return. I was more than happy to do the only thing she ever really asked of me, when the time came - help her live her final years and then die in her home.

I'm still loyal to her, and the promises I made her, to this day. I can't see any reason why I wouldn't always be. She showed me love, and I'll never forget the lessons she taught, both by word and by action.

Loving someone unconditionally means loving them as though they are you.

How many people do you love that way?

Some special people seem to be able to love the whole world that way. Others, maybe just a couple people, typically close family members. Some people may only love themselves... or perhaps, not even that.

Love does something for the lover, not just the loved. There doesn't seem to be any way to exhaust our stores of it - we can love several or even dozens of children, for example. Love isn't like a pie that has to be divided up, and eventually runs out. Love is like thought - as long as we're alive, we can love. And the more we do, the more benefits we receive!

It's a bit like gratitude. When we feel thankful for something, genuinely, it warms our hearts. It boosts us. It's a positive thing. Gratitude can be a source of happiness. Those who practice it often, and become good at genuinely being thankful for even the small things in life, usually end up filled with happiness and joy. We have this amazing tool of gratitude available to us, and plenty of things to be thankful for, and yet we often give it out grudgingly. We feel that to be thankful to someone else makes us somehow lesser. It doesn't. Gratitude is natural, appropriate, real, and important. If we fill ourselves with genuine happiness for everything in our lives, we win. Try it next time an opportunity to feel gratitude for something comes up.


I noticed that little heart shape in a photo of a cannabis plant I'm growing as medicine for my sweetheart, @MediKatie.

Love for others (all others) permeates everything I do. I'm vibrating with it. Love conquers fear.

My mission is to banish fear and spread love.

I love you. Not just on Valentine's Day, but always. No matter who you are. You're reading this, so you're a person, and you're capable of being loved, so I love you. Doesn't matter how you feel in return, I love you anyway.

In loving you, I see your positives and forgive your flaws. I know you're doing the best you can. I know you deserve common decency and liberty, and I would never harm you on purpose. I have your best interests at heart - I want the best for you. I want you to be safe, happy, healthy, and loved. I want you to be free, and to achieve your dreams.

Loving doesn't mean accepting abuse. I'll never accept your abuse, but I'll always love you. (Typing that reminds me of my love for my alcoholic brother.)

So no matter who you are, there's at least one person out there that's loving you. I'm pretty sure it's a lot more than that.

You don't need to do anything to receive it - it's automatic and instant. If you don't feel any different, that's okay, I do. Thanks for being there, so I can love you.

You can fill your life with love, and make yourself about it. You'll be hated for it, you'll be misunderstood, you'll be called a hippie (or something offensive). But as long as you're alive, you can love, and nobody can stop you.

Love is a superpower we all have, can use at any time, costs nothing, and changes lives. Don't forget how powerful you are. Let love in. Know yourself, accept yourself, love yourself. It's a lifelong journey and every step is beautiful. Begin now.

In love,



It was so soothing to read your text. You have emphasized the true meaning of love. We often forget how to love and we focus on only a few types of love (partner, family, friends) but there is so much more. We should learn to love everything and everyone around us. Spreading positiveness will make us feel good and lead to happiness..

In the past I used to focus on rewards and making more and more (compensation for what I didn't have in childhood) but I have realized that this is not what I was seeking. I was seeking the valuation but not in monetary terms, I wanted to be appreciated, to be loved. I have understood that when I met my husband as he is that kind of person who can spread love anytime..

I am sorry to hear about your grandma but she is still in your heart and it's important that you know that you've been loved by her. We can't stop the life circle but we can change what we do while we still have our loved ones on our side...

Thank you so much for this beautiful writing!

You know the amazing thing about love, we get more to give, when we give. We never run out of it, and that's why I agree with you on it being supernatural.

It's amazing how an act of love can bring hope, mend hearts and change lives and make huge difference. It is one act that doesn't have to cost is much yet it makes the biggest of difference. The memories you have of your Grandma definitely is one full of love, and you being able to love your brother despite his challenges only shows how much love you've gave over the years and how much you still have inside of you. Yes, as long as we live, loving is possible...

Just like you, I don't so much believe in Valentine but I believe in Love, and love is supposed to be shared every day and hopefully, with everyone. Love brings only positive and beautiful changes.

Love connects us all, I love you too❤🤗

I share your view.
Commercial celebrations are just that, a celebration of our inability to genuinly connect with other human beings, except through commercial means.
The sad thing is the majority of people in many places of the world have accepted the sort of institutionalized celebrations and perpetuate the distortion by demanding to follow suit.
You have written a wonderful dissertation of the different ramifications real love can have (even those tiny "branches" shaped like a heart), none of which includes shopping spree or facades in social media parades.

Thank you very much for your observations and feedback. You're right that it's incredibly sad how many miss the point, but it means those of us spreading love have plenty to do. :) Have a great day.

How right in your words. I also lost my grandmother 3 years ago. I identify a lot with your post. thank you for sharing

Awesome celebration of the vals day. I am very happy for you and I really loved your blog. Keep up with the writing spirit and also I wait to read more from you

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Hi drutter,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you so very much. Your approval carries great weight. I'm honoured.

Wow Bravo! 👏 Beautiful article. You are right on the money with all of it. You have a deep understanding of unconditional love (Agape). Thank you for injecting this into the minds of many. It is desperately needed and deeply lacking in our modern, ego driven society. Amazing work!!! Keep it up. 👍

We love you too!

Thank you my friend, I'm honoured you feel that way! BIG love and respect.

Dear @drutter

wouldn't you celebrate Valentine's day if your partner would smoke and she would say: let's smoke up ourself to death today my love? :)


hahaha It is nice and funny article. 👍👏

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