Being Jealous Over The Success Of Others

It is very easy to look over at someone else and see everything that they've got and then want that for our self. It's easy to fall into jealousy or envy, and to start to feel bitterness for others having more than we do or having seemingly better opportunities than we have had. But what isn't easy is taking the time to know and understand what those people went through in order to get what they have achieved. Quite often we only see the finished product and not their struggle.

We didn't see the 20 or 30 years that they might have struggled and suffered, sacrificing their time for a bigger goal that they wanted to pay off. Quite often successful people didn't get there over night and their success is often something that they had to work for and work at for many years. Maybe if we so quickly want what we see others having, then we should consider putting in the effort that they did in order to get it. Being jealous over the success of other people doesn't get us anywhere, it just makes us feel miserable.

Everyone has their own individual journey and it is going to make us a lot happier in life if we can instead choose to be happy for the success of others, rather than letting it cause us stress and anguish. Jealousy and envy can quite often feel like it is rotting the bones and eating us away, it doesn't produce anything in our lives besides an effective method for wasting time. Instead of looking at what others have achieved and letting it bring you down, you can choose to let it inspire you.

When we are too busy yearning for the life or possessions that others have, then it can easily keep us from enjoying our own lives and feeling at peace. Why compare where others are at in their lives with where we are? There are many successful and young adults for example that became millionaires before the age of 30, and if all you do is look at them and judge your own success based on theirs, then it will be quite easy to feel like a failure in comparison.

There is no point in hating or being jealous of the success of other people. An individual who is truly confident and at peace with themselves isn't going to leave room for jealousy in their lives. Confidence can release us from jealousy and envy so that we can escape the torment and instead be happy for the success that others achieve.


This post is extremely relevant to this site... Thank you for sharing

Everyone who wants to be successful, should celebrate the success of others.

"Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge
You may not know the hardships people don't speak of
It's best to step back, and observe with couth
For we all must meet our moment of truth"

Felt like these lyrics fit the bill. Good post!

This is very true. Another negative about being jelousy or making bad judgments about people is because then you are potential judging your future self. Are minds do not see separation and much as we consciously think we do, therefore are subconscious judge the conditions more than the actual person.

When we make a negative judgment against a successful person (rich, famous, talented, etc.) we are doing one of two things:
1 If we do become "successful", then we must personally face our own judgment and hypocritical aspects of ourselves that we cast off onto others for having the same experience.
2 If we do not become "successful", then our judgments toward those who are very well could be part of the cause of that; It's take a lot of energy to resist oneself. Embrace & support that which we want to see within ourselves. Then when we star to become that we have the best type of support a person can have their self

Find the gift that you passionately want to share with your fellow man and that is when/how we , as humans,will expand the most.

This is a great post , and every word so true.
This is why I don't respond to people who are negitive or say hateful things to me on here or in life. They don't know what I have been through. I may be young , but I had a terrible life until I met my husband, I have been through some terrible things. I have never posted about it and probably never will. I am sure I would be called a lier and/ or people would say I'm just trying to be a chairty case.
💋 @halo 💋😇

Nicely said 👍❤️✅
Don't keep talking but actually go and doing it.
Achievement don't actually fall from the sky.

I say almost the same thing in my book, Cost Benefit Jr. - what people invest in their own success is one of those unseen aspects of economics Bastiat first alerted us to. Nice post!

Bam! Right there. I keep saying this on my posts. Concentrate on where "you" are at and work on "you" - screw the other person.

I wish there were a feature where I could auto share everything you write. It resounds very well with me :)

Very true what you have posted, but the success of others should be of example and overcoming thank you very much for sharing the post

I always said that envy is the feeling for uninformed.

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