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RE: PATRON SAINT OF THE DAY: Against Blindness

in #philosophy7 years ago

Hi @ccfoshee, I wanted to pop in and share a story with you from yesterday:

TL;DR Thanks for this post! It couldn't have come at a better time

Over the weekend I noticed a spot in my vision, a small purple circle with a few bright lights in the center of it. A lot like something you would see after a camera flash. Something you'd expect to go away, only mine didn't. And to make it worse, the size, shape, and location of the occlusion all matched with a pinhole perforation I discovered in the periphery of my eclipse glasses while staring at the sun for several minutes. And before you ask, yes, they were official, NASA approved, non-scamazon, certified paper eclipse glasses. We had about a dozen or so, and I swapped out the busted pair. But I digress... back to the story!

This spot persisted all day Saturday, and when it was still there on Sunday I went online and booked the first available appointment at my optometrist's office before the holiday. Waking up Monday morning, I was somewhat relieved to discover my purply afterimage, though still there, was only visible intermittently. I rationalized I was learning to ignore it.

I went about my day, still a little shook up, but didn't search WebMD or google images. Just tried to ignore it. Hopped on steemit, and there, almost at the top of my feed was your post!

Patron Saint of the Day Against Blindness

Are you kidding me?? My jaw dropped. I read the post and asked a prayer of Saint Mechtilde.

I kid you not, within an minute my phone rang. A number I didn't recognize. And for seemingly no reason at all, I just answered it. Something I almost never do with unknown numbers.

It was a call from my optometrist's office manager, informing me the app shouldn't have taken my appointment. The doctor was booked solid and wouldn't be able to see me until at least the end of the following week. I accepted this and agreed to book his first available slot, when suddenly she asks "could you come in now?"

"Right now?" I ask

"Yes, if you can be here in the next 15 to 20 minutes he can squeeze you in."

"Ma'am I will be there in 10." We ended the call and I booked it there.

A flurry of paperwork, eyedrops to dilate my pupils, a barrage of manual eye scans and two retinal images later I was listening to the doctor explain my results. No damage. Everything looks great. What I was most likely experiencing was your standard, run-of-the-mill, eye floater, but from the back of my eye, in close proximity to my retina.

In short, I was fine. I left with a sigh of relief and an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I also realized, I couldn't see the spot anymore, and hadn't seen it since the call came in.

This comment ended up being much longer than I anticipated but I wanted to share the story with you. Thanks for posting and thanks for doing the Patron Saint series!


Glad to hear your situation turned out well! I’m also glad you enjoy the series - stay tuned for more!

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