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RE: The Last Word

in #philosophy5 years ago

No worries.

RE: socialism. Any form of it necessitates total economic control from a central authority once you scale it up. Socialism, i.e. common ownership, works very well on small scales because everyone is very close to the decision making. Families, farms, collectives, et al. However, once you scale it up a central authority has to materialize to coordinate the economy and that's where you really run into its totalitarian nature. Socialism is really economic totalitarianism, and since all our decisions routinely interact with the economy centralizing those decisions leads to total control over our lives, and since all of us are different and have different priorities, socialism requires the forceful homogenization of economic choice. Fascism adds the dimension of centering its socialist ideology - or flavor if you will - around a race / people / nation to that equation. That's it's big distinguishing feature.

As for the Nazis vs Communists, they are definitely variants of socialism, just veering off into different forms. In Europe at the time of fascism's and communism's rise, my understanding of the political zeitgeist was a debate about what kind of socialism was desirable, not between free markets and socialism. One centered around a global, proletariat or the worker, and the other into race and the nation. What makes them the same is that they both desired total control over individuals, so the hairs I'm splitting here don't really matter. Every form of large scale, applied socialism has led to authoritarianism, starvation and mass murder. I don't really care if it's communism or fascism. The experiments have been run. They're both violent, oppressive garbage.

The Nordic countries you speak of are definitely not socialist. They're market economies with large welfare states. That's totally different.

My problem with your arguments when it comes to Trump's racism, or racism in general, is that you exclude the evidence that speaks contrary to your conclusion. If someone says "I think we should limit immigration" but then follows it up by saying, "and I have a lot of immigrant friends" you blatantly state that it's the former response the one that truly matters. That reveals their true nature, their racism, etc.

Both statements can be true. My family emigrated to the US in the 20th century so I recognize not only the importance of allowing immigrants into our country but ALSO the need to strictly control borders.

Trump will say he condemns white nationalists TOTALLY, but that's dismissed because of the other things he says. You're either being dismissive or attempting to divine the true meaning of his soul, when it could be that he's a shit communicator - obviously - or you are only hearing what you want to hear. He can be both against white nationalism and be pro nationalism, and while there are racists and white nationalists that have rallied around him, there are others that dismiss him, like Richard Spencer, an avowed white nationalist. There is also a lot of regular people rally around him too. Working folks of all stripes, rich people, republicans, nationalists, hispanics and blacks, so I'm not willing to dismiss him or the people that support him outright as racists. I mean, there ARE, but the same goes for the left. Identity politics has morphed the liberal minded democrats into a mess of racists and sexists. Everything is related to your identity now and how oppressed you are. If Trump is tapping into that then so is the Left at every level.

I reject both sides of this manifestation. Racism is stupid, white supremacists are assholes and identity politics is for suckers.

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