ARROGANCE: Is Your Arrogance In Check?

in #philosophy7 years ago


Oxford dictionary defines arrogance as:

the behaviour of a person when they feel that they are more important than other people, so that they are rude to them or do >not consider them

Merriam-Webster dictionary gives this definition:

an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumtuous claims or assumptions.

Often times, when you talk to people either in real life or over other means of communication, we experience people’s arrogant behavior. In response, we either act the same way, ignore, or show humility and compassion.

Fact of the matter is, we all as humans possess this quality. It is a built in mechanism our system. It has some purpose; more often it is demonstrated as negative behavior, but it can be positive tool if utilized right and always kept in check. For example, when you see someone being abused or oppressed, you can speak up and act in behalf of the oppressed. You do demonstrated signs of arrogance, however it is not deemed as such, because it is utilized in positive manner. Sometimes only way to defend truth or justice is via arrogant behavior. It doesn’t have to be; but in some instances it might be a necessity.

Essence of the matter is, arrogance is displayed in various forms and levels. The wort form of arrogance is the one that leads to violence. But that is another topic. Let’s focus on verbal arrogance we experience on daily basis.

That kind of arrogance can be measured and it is not same all the time. It flactuates. If today you show lower level of arrogance tomorrow it might be higher. It depends on present conditions: topics being discussed (you might feel more knowledgable and superior in on area or another), who topics are being discussed with (you might feel dominant over some people or vulnirable with others), stakes involved (feelings, dignity, or maybe even financial or political stakes).

So, we all are arrogant people, however if we don’t keep our arrogance in check we might be hurting others and in a long run ourselves. It has a lot to do with the manner we address the topics or issues rather than the substance. Sure, you can have great amount of knowledge, hold a degree, or have great deal of experience discussing certain subject, but if the tone negative and topics are being addressed in a hostile manner, most probably your message will never go across and you end up gaining enemies and losing friends / allies.

Basic logic tells us “we love those who love us”. If you show hostility towards somebody while demonstrating incredible knowledge, your efforts has been for nothing, you have achieve nothing; except for gaining enemies and losing friends / allies. Most importantly that great intellect you thought you have has been used in vain was total waste of your precious time.

Not a single person can know everything. Even the geniuses of the past and present didn’t and don’t know everything. As our brains such a powerful mechanism, we all are so limited in knowing all. That’s why all of the knowledge base has been split up into many different subjects, and all of the subjects have been split up into so many sub-subjects. There is not a single doctor who knows all of medicine, there not a single software engineer that knows all aspects of computer science.

Let’s keep our arragonce in check, and take a daily dose of humility. Humility is such a great antidote to our arrogance. It is also build in our human systems, and taking a little dose of it everyday will keep our arrogance in check and normal levels and our message will go across and we achieve so much more in having discussions with our fellow humans. Hey, it is so much fun and full of pleasure. We keep coming back for more :)

That’s why I think Steemit will stand out in comparison to other platforms and that’s why I think Steemit will be a success.


I agree with this so much and yes steemit is so good for positive social media!

thank you, much love :)

Yes we are all arrogant bastards to some extent. Yet, on steemit people love each other much more. I am always mesmerized by how calm and nice even discussions about hot topics go at SteemSpeak on Discord
Steemit is the future!


Thanks for your post @deserttree
I believe Steemit will outlive other social media because there is so much love shared here. People are ready to help.
Thanks for sharing this.

Interesting subject, I do have two remarks regarding it:

  • ''Sometimes only way to defend truth or justice is via arrogant behavior. ''
    Yes, sometimes. But I am pretty sure more often than not it is wise to be rational and open for discussion. If you are right, or just, why do you even need to reveal arrogant behavior? Your arguments should speak for itself.
  • Arrogance in itself is a neat characteristic to have, as it will motivate you to go even further. But expressing it has potential risks surpressing your ability to learn from others. Arrogance witholds others to express themselves about a subject, while you have no idea what they have to say. Others can show you different perspectives on a situation like which you've never looked at it before, nonetheless, perception is everything.

I absolutely agree with you. Thank you for your remarks, the add value to this topic and fill where I missed. Thanks

Glad to be of help, that's where the platform is for. Sharing is caring ^.^

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