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RE: Stars in their Eyes, Hate in their hearts

in #philosophy7 years ago

Funny--coincidental... as you were writing this, I was writing about people not being willing to be accountable for their own shortcomings.

Maybe what is "wrong" with the world is a strange quickening of time... a way in which everything is expected to evolve ever faster. Whether that's true or not, the thing that bugs me a bit is the sheer anger and rage so many seem to express when "things don't go their way." Maybe I am simply getting old, but I recall the options in such situations were mostly "well, then QUIT" or "try harder." All this venting of anger does seem like a relatively new thing...

... and it worries me a little for your daughter; for my grandkids... who are coming up, in this world.


This quickening is an interesting thing I have been thinking about a lot lately. Technology is ramping exponentially but the human minds (and society) are likely unable to keep up. The venting online is a shift from going to the pub and talking to the bartender days I suppose but in a face to face discussion, the rage rarely appears.

It is the sitting behind the keyboard that tricks the emotions and there is no direct feedback, no person to balance the equation, so one stews in a pool of self-inflicted misery.

Where this leads is why I spend so much time investigating and writing about what I do. I plan on helping my daughter build a process to overcome herself as young as possible so she does as little 'getting in her own way' a possible. Maybe then she has the power and grit to help others.

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