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RE: A lack of sensitivity: the emotionally stunted oppressor

in #philosophy7 years ago

Seems to me we increasingly live in a world where everyone wants the freedom to have their opinion, but at the same time they want to be "protected" from the consequences of having aforesaid opinion. And in order to make that possible (not!) people increasingly align with groupthink where it's not actually their own opinion, but the group's, that matters.

And then that becomes a "defense," in some situations: "Well, it wasn't really ME, but our group believes...."


Yes, it is never them. Always someone else to blame when it doesn't go the way they want it to go.

Exactly, it goes both ways, especially if you make an insensitive joke, be ready for the back lash as is right, not everyone finds your humor funny and they shouldn't and we can take offense and we don't need to tolerate such speech, and you should BOO, and jeer, and heckle to your heart's content, as freedom of speech dictates. It's got nothing to do with healing trauma but everything to do with ones values, usually "trauma" is not something people step into attention because, but in spite of, and rightly so since nobody wants to readily and willing relive trauma simply to make a stand on moral grounds, outside the righteous masochists.

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