The Double Slit experiment, someone is watching everything!

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Quantum weirdness of atomic particles making waves, being in several locations simultaneously!

It freaked out the scientists who first made the 'Double Slit' experiment and discovered that the universe was not behaving as they thought that a material world should. It shattered their concepts of physically working out everything as mechanistic science.

They had assumed that we lived in a quantifiable mechanical and clockwork behavioural predictable and fully catalogued and knowable universe. Such a shock it was when this experiment threw a spanner in their concepts that the experiment has been locked in a cupboard and hardly discussed in mainstream physics for a hundred years. A physics friend of mine says that it will be understood eventually and will fit with all the scientific and factual things that physics has taught us, which are probably quite correct. Many resulting ideas do relate well and fit to the principles of mainstream concepts, but the underlying fact is standing on shifting sands. Many resulting ideas do relate well and fit to the principles of mainstream concepts, but the underlying fact is standing on shifting sands. The 'but' in this is that physicists believe that the quantum anomalies as they put it, are confined to the small underlying atomic level and don't affect the large scale of things. But how can that be? If at the very basics of matter strange occurrences are taking place, then basic analytical logic shows that fundamental levels of activity must be affecting the larger scale which it supports. Dismayed by this point my physicist friend got somewhat angry. So I gave him a book as a gift.

This book is a science fiction novel with a central theme of an alcoholic scientist being given a chance to work again and overcome his addiction. He chooses to re-work the 'Double Slit' experiment with modern technology and finds surprising new insights surrounding the problem and discovers amazing things regarding reality and consciousness. Its a great science based read, but the chase scenes are too long and probably written as a potential screen play; because it would make an intriguing film with a twisting plot line.

The OBSERVER observing the outcome of the experiment influences the outcome!

A conscious watcher of this world is having an effect upon it.
Everything in creation must have had an observer function.
Every human creation was first a thought in the mind; observed and worked upon before manifesting as a physical reality; designed. A chair, a cup, a car, a space rocket, the wheel, were all at one time just a thought in someones mind and thus given the 'energy' of the power of being created, from the formless into the material world.

Such thought forms are energised by intention from the being level of observation. Energetic creation from a conscious will intention is the positive energy within a minds eye, from the inner being in a high meditative state. Thinking of and about a thing gives it a potential reality. The resulting resolve to make the object focuses and brings about the physical form of it.

Yes this is indeed leading to conclusions that irritate and annoy and upset mainstream physicists, but there is no other conclusion.

Mainstream science has sidelined these issues and where the thinking around it all points towards. They have pushed it out of their minds to feel easier about it. Eventually they are going to have to accept it, their own frontiers of science are converging towards such an outcome.

There is a far bigger reality indicated.

How was the world, the universe brought into being? They say with a big bang that had no cause. I would say that, that is very irrational. Because we can use logic as above indicated, that we manifest physical objects to enhance our lives and do this by first imagining them. Did another consciousness imagine our realty for us to become present within it?

We know that our origins are mysterious. We came into this world when it had already been formed. Consider this then, if the 'Double Slit' experiment shows conclusively that an observer must be present to think, image and thus create the physical reality of material things; and that this logic must then apply to planets, and universes. The indications are far-reaching, so before we came along the universe needed to be observed to be brought into physical reality, into creation, and thus by a consciousness. Furthermore such a consciousness must be outside of the manifested creation which is created. Existing outside of matter.

Therefore consciousness is none physical.

Furthermore we must then conclude that we are within a 'virtual reality' and many scientists are postulating this as a fact, but don't take it along to the conclusions discussed here.

We live in a virtual realty that has a real physical reality aspect. we create or co-create the things that are observed solidifying them into reality. This is the the nature of our reality.

We are conscious beings able to think and observe our own thoughts, meditative practices can prove this to yourself.

Thus our own consciousnesses must be imbibed with the similar capacity of the observer which put us into this virtual reality. A conclusion has to be that we too are consciousness and so are separate from the virtual reality we live within, we are much more than we have been led to believe.

By understanding this we can become free and begin to evolve our observing consciounes. We must know our true and real position in reality, false concepts only go around in the same ever decreasing circles, we must breakout of it and become consciouly aware.

This must be the true meaning of life: we are involved in an evolution of consciousness; our our own inner observer being becoming conscious - of our own consciousness - and as a result making more conscious decisions and directions and choices.

Now returning to science and that experiment:

MyBigToe -Consciuse reality.jpg

The ex-NASA scientist Tom Campbell has been stating much of this stuff for decades. Now he has moved things along and developed several new experiments based upon and around the 'Double Slit' concept. If successful these experiments will fully prove much of what is described here, and thus our current science will have to begin to take external physical consciousness, not being restricted to the physical body, - seriously.

Here is Tom on this subject and answering questions and explaining his theories along such lines, developed in his book My Big Toe: the Toe in question being The Theory of Everything, the first video shows the mysterious 'Double Slit' experiment:




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