If Society is a Computer, what is the Social Operating System?

in #philosophy8 years ago

Is Society a Computer?

There is a philosophical argument which could be made which says society itself is a computer. Society can be considered to compute using institutions, such as justice. There are also laws and policies which at least according to some could be seen as a code, although in my opinion a more accurate representation of laws would be rules because laws are certainly not immutable. Rules for changing the rules exist so that for example the laws for changing the laws exist. The purpose of the laws, of the government, and of society, in theory is to protect individual rights.

In the United States the purpose of government is to protect life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (or property). Generally, the purpose of the government of protecting these rights is what justifies it's existence. If the government is not protecting these rights then it's justification for existence is null. So does that mean society is a computer? It's a philosophical question worth thinking about.

If some of you conclude society is a computer then what is the social operating system?


The original operating system of society is love and compassion, but it seems it’s now infected with a virus called hate, greed and selfishness!

Distracted from the love and compassion that many want oddly enough...

If society is a computer than the social norms, mores, and values we share are the operating system. Alternatively, you could think of society as the operating system and the physical constructs as the computer. The roads, courts, schools, airports, ect.. all process the units of computation.

I agree with @pjheinz In less words.... our OS would be our Social Conscience.

society is more like the software that resides within the computer, made up of trillions of different applications that communicate to and from endlessly creating this reality in which we live. Strangely enough there could be more to this than meets the eye as scientists have recently discovered computer code buried within string theory . even stranger this code is the same code that internet browsers are based on. Here is the link for further explanation

The answer is obvious-it is blockchain

Obviously its Steem OS.

Good afternoon. Your article is very useful. I voted for you.

The social operating system is the product summation of the mixture of internal and external individual and collective minds that all add to the resulting computed society.
@dana-edwards Love this stuff, keep up the great work!

"In the United States the purpose of government is to protect life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (or property)."
However the "United States" has been changed to the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" no longer representing the original governmental idea but now more towards another meaning of "government" being control (of) mind. As a corporate entity with corporate interest as opposed to individuals and controlled and infiltrated by other corporate entities. Will write about such sometime. Anyone may let em know if they would like me to write about anything in particular if within my reach to do so.

If you looked at Religion as an Operating System, you could come up with some good jokes, I'm sure.

Society has a very low degree of deterministic behavior for my preferences, so as to classify it a computer. I want my computer to have a 1+1=2 consistency... not something like "oh Hillary must be exempt from the rule of law, just because".

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