The Law of Attraction - Deeper Understanding

in #philosophy8 years ago

I hear all the time 'thoughts are powerful' or 'thoughts create'. What I rarely hear about is the source of power for thoughts.

  1. There are infinite perspectives for awareness to choose from.
  2. The perspectives chosen by awareness (your true essence), turn waves into particles, and unlimited possibilities into limited matter. Let's call these selected perspectives, beliefs.
  3. Reality plays out continuously, in direct relationship to your beliefs.
  4. Thoughts arise that relate to the circumstances that appear.
  5. People beat themselves up over those thoughts and then struggle to change them.

This is an autobiographical feedback loop, and for most this loop needs an interruption, a glitch so to speak. Notice, that the thoughts are last in line. Thoughts are a result of power, not the source of power. You can force yourself over and over to 'think positive', 'think positive', 'think positive', 'think positive', but deep down inside you know if those thoughts are congruent with your beliefs, and if they are not, nothing will change for the better.

Like a mirror, which doesn't smile unless you smile, and doesn't frown unless you frown. Reality is similar, reflecting, but most react to reality, and end up in a loop. Reality reflecting you and you reflecting reality. But, reality will never change on it's own. You have to change before reality changes.

The real power of the Law of Attraction comes from deeper introspection. From deeper introspection, comes deeper understanding. Understanding is Belief. When you can go deeper and become softer, things start to change for the better. It's kind of like an autopilot that needs a kick start.

Pause for a moment. Your eyes see, but any thoughts about the vision are ignored. Your ears hear, but the sounds are dismissed. Thoughts come and go, and watch them as something other than you. In this place, this void, you still exist. Nothing from any the senses are you. Any beliefs you have of good and bad soften. Rigid beliefs holding you back, that were running in a continuous loop, begin to fade to the back.

Congratulations, because what you just did is change (soften) your beliefs and allowed for a more expanded reality. A reality with more abundance and less lack. Continue this short exercise several times and allow these more expanded beliefs to crystalize.

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