How My Central Bank would Operate

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

If I was a thug and wanted to create a Central Bank to dominate a nation or the world, this is how I might operate it.

(I wonder if my theoretical world domination scheme is similar to how Central Banks operate now?)

  1. No actual Lenders - I don't want to risk my own money or the money of my friends in cahoots.
  2. When someone needs money for a House, Car or School loan, I'd obfuscate the truth. I cannot have people figuring out they are not actually borrowing money.
  3. Buried within a mountain of paperwork, I'd add a piece paper called a Note. This Note is Authorization by a Living Human Being to the Nations Treasury to direct my Central Bank to issue Commercial Trading Script to the 'Borrower' (Hahaha - I said a LIE - Borrower).
  4. The 'so-called' borrower would then be provided script (Monopoly Commerce - not real money) for the House, Car or School Loan.
  5. Via the mountain of paperwork, and the obfuscated truth about 'Lenders' and 'Loans', I'd trick the 'Borrower' into paying my buddies, the Bankers and Mortgage companies, the Script, with INTEREST.
  6. I'd make sure NO schools, except the Ivy League ones, that only my buddies kids can get into, are taught the truth.
  7. Also, I'd train those Attorneys proven to be loyal to me and my buddies, thus headed for Judgeship, how to trick and trap people who challenge the 'loans', into becoming Jurisdictional Subjects.
  8. This means there is NEVER enough money to pay back the loans. From the time that the very first script came into existence, with interest of course, the people owe more script than actually exists.
  9. The loans can only be chased with more loans. Meaning, I can issue $1 bil in year 1, and issue $2 bil in year 2, with the $2 being used to finish the $1 bil loan, and part of the $2 bil loan. I can then issue $3 bil in the 3rd yr, which will be used to finish the $2 bil loan.
  10. I continue to do this year after year until I want the Economy to self-destruct and I then simply raise interest rates until very few people want loans. Since there would not be enough money in circulation to pay off the loans, the Nation would become desperate.
  11. Then, I'll forgive this debt in exchange for important resources, like Islands, Rivers, Forests and Mountains, until I own EVERYTHING and everyone.

Hmmm. I wonder how the Central Banks currently work? Are they similar to my theoretical Central Bank?

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