Challenging your own bias and opinion.

in #philosophy7 years ago

The internet has given us much in the way of political discourse and creating a market place of ideas however it has given rise to seclusionism and echo chambers for people who don't want anything but their own opinions bounced back at them.

However, as we are seeing today the prominence of echo chambers and hive mentality is ruining much of our civility in the way that people can't even stand to hear a different opinion without freaking out or even the most learned take their own opinion as fact in something in call intellectual masturbation, it's extremely common now days to have a conversation with someone who uses their own bias and friends as factual reality on a subject.

This happens to us all no matter who you are there are a lot of things that echo chambers and hive mind mentality do right such as debunking stigmas or cultural norms, but this often gives rise to the ivory towers we see in society such as the media or the political elites and everything in between, so what can you personally do to make sure you truly have an open mind?

Challenge your strongest convictions.

This is one that i try to do on a regular basis, it's incredibly easy to go looking for something that confirms your bias, you're literally a google search away, however almost none of us going actively searching for things that contradict us or may give us greater insight into something.

For example I'm extremely conservative but also very liberal, that may sound like a contradiction or cognitive dissonance but it actually isn't.

Aristotle said it the best that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" I would also add that accepting a conscious hypocrisy or contradiction is also the mark of an educated mind to be able to hold two view points, that while vastly different can be made to work in tandem with each other in a synergy.

But there is also a means to challenge your convictions that will often times lead to new pathways, for example.

Science has shown that vaccines don't cause autism and if they do it's an incredibly low percentage, however internet echo chambers have given rise to the whole vaccines cause autism argument but if you actually look at the for vs against argument you can see a completely different objective question arises in the form of; "should we be more concerned with what we put into our bodies" a more bi-partisan question that both sides can engage in.

But challenging your bias is a tough one to get started with, I myself was incredibly anti christian when i was younger and wouldn't so much as hear anything a Christian would say to me, it wasn't until i met a friend who explained theology and theism in general that i would become to be more friendly towards them, now i'm actually more friendly towards Christians than i am to fellow Atheists.

So how do you challenge yourself?

Very simply, find something you don't agree with and read it even if you know you're not going to agree with it because as i stated above it can often lead to some very interesting questions and introspection on your ideals.

I would say go out and talk to someone with a completely opposing viewpoint to you but given how terrible discourse is in the west these days you're probably just going to get angry with the person and nothing will come of it.

Take one of your strongest held beliefs, political or otherwise and go and look at the complete opposite of it for a few minutes, it's not meant to change your mind but it's an exercise that can give you a bit of humility when it comes to other peoples opinions, even if they're wrong.

Hopefully this can help you better understand your own bias and how to actually be open minded instead of reactionary when you're faced with something or someone you don't agree with.

Thanks for taking the time to read my article, if you have enjoyed it feel free to leave a comment below, upvote or resteem, thanks for reading!


It's an important and interesting topic...I know you will find this incredulous: I've near emptied myself of bias over the course of my life! One of the things which helped me do that (besides entheogens) is to not care what the truth is! Now that seems weird, I get that....But if one is able to cultivate non-attachment to ideas and desires one can come to a place of uncertainty.
Now, to be fair, over the course of 40 years, starting at 19, I consciously and willfully set out on a search seeking the nature of reality and I've been relentless in my pursuit! I now hold about 5 or 6 cosmologies to be possible as far as what and who we are; and yes, the atheist worldview is right up at the top, but I don't hold the view tightly--I'm not attached to it....I describe​ myself today as an agnostic gnostic....Can you hold paradox in an aperspectival mode of cognition?

Interesting idea, i would say you can BUT it can clash violently with reality, having a natural bias is something you kind of have to have as a human being in order to be able to asymmetrically identify when you need to have a bias, for example i'm pretty sure you aren't bias free if someone ran at you with a knife haha.

The main problem with not having either a philosophical bias or reality based bias is that the entire world has one, so living without it can be tricky, it's sorta like trying to use ethics with people who are unethical, it's great that you are ethical but now you're missing your wallet haha.

Great comment though man, this is what iv'e been hoping to have on my blog for a while now.

Thanks! Of course, I'm a white male, that is my genetic bias, but I am not attached to being a white male as I can consider myriad perspectives from all races and genders. I'm culturally Canadian but I don't Identify with Canada, all nations deserve dignity and respect.
In the end, if life is to survive on this planet, humans have to become world-centric, but that can't happen via deeply cynical manipulative tactics like Cultural Marxism. Humans need to be free; Cultural Marxism is the antithesis of freedom, IMO.....

That's a bit of a different topic, i will say though, nationalism at the moment is the only thing keeping the right from devouring the left, i'm firmly a western culture "nationalist" i guess you'd say, being a student of history there's a very long and bloody history as to why we came out on top and why have to keep on top for the time being.

There's a very big difference between the Australian government and the Somalian government if you get my drift haha.

But i fully agree about Cultural Marxism, it's an absolute cancer that's pushing us closer to civil war every day.

Physical exhaustion makes my mind prone to wondering:)
I was using nations generically referring to groups of people ( usually homogeneous); we don't need to respect immoral or amoral leaders or irrational over-arching grand narratives like The Koran when it is used as a tool of cultural hegemony. That said, Muslims​ shouldn't be used as pawns in a dubious 'Game of Thrones' whether religious (Israeli) ​or corporate​ (resource extraction)...
Again, excellent​ topic:)

Nice to be your friend here at Steemit.I already upvoted and followed you to see all of your future blogs!
I wish you more followers and friends!Don't forget to follow me too @laique so that we can be friend forever :D

The terrible two's are generally known to be a narcissistic horror show. So, across a wide span of the populous, ​we are dealing with various levels of arrested development. Hence, the culture of narcissism with its myopic point of view consciousness.....It is​ one thing if this was an organic evolution, but that is clearly not the case; we have been manipulated as a culture by misanthropic elites to be this way. It serves their long term​ agendas, or so it seems....
And BTW: some of the biggest whiners out there are so called rational atheists.....So no one is immune from this, IMO....

It's quite simple, we must systematically destroy all those that don't align with us, that way, our bias will become the norm.

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