A brief investigation of our shared reality.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Why is it that there are some animals in human skin who wish to enslave?

What has been kept hidden, is no longer hidden. What the human eyes can't see (yet), has been unveiled and we as a species are beginning to see glimpses of freedom. This is the result of the solution oriented pieces of the collective consciousness. It is scientifically proven that all thought forms generate certain frequencies. The window to the etheric realm is always open to those who use the key of the mind—imagination! When a thing is imagined, it has already been created in the spirit realm. Manifestations depend on what 'actions' are taken and how far you are willing to go with consistently pulling your creations down into this reality. 

"A dream without action will always remain a dream." 

A popular quote among inspirational speakers, yet it is indeed a clue that points to who we really are. We are multidimensional beings simply because we can dream; connecting to the stars and yet our bodies are still within this 3D construct. Among the stars and in the birth of stars, souls are born. We are part of the divine (God, consciousness, energy etc...) experiencing itself in physical form so as to understand itself. Quite a concept right? It is becoming so obvious that 'we' are the solutions we seek. We are indeed star children and each and every one of us generates frequencies which then affects an amalgam of energies of the collective consciousness. We are constantly walking under the cloud formations of the collective consciousness. The question that any thinking mind could ask is since we have this 'power' to pull from the ether the solutions we want; why are we still living with tyrannical systems? There exists something called the collective unconsciousness. 

The collective unconsciousness (matrix or the central computer) is a machine that feeds off on fear. The so called "elite" are ruled by fear. This gives rise to the question of why such souls have little to no conscience within them. Let us observe for a minute why souls reincarnate on earth. If a person dies a sudden or painful death, the soul leaves the body but carries with it the deeds and intentions of that person to the spirit realm. The soul will be judged apophatically; which means a guarding force will describe that soul during that particular life time by stating which characteristics it did NOT have. The next question is who assigns these guardians to determine whether or not we qualify for an advanced existence in another reality/planet? This may be another clue that points to why souls reincarnate back on earth for the soul purpose of growing the soul and expanding in consciousness. We all reincarnate for different reasons but the main reason is for the spirit to have a physical existence as well (body). We are here to experience the best sex with 'love'; eat the food of the gods; learn to interact with each other with love, not engaging in theft; expand in consciousness and to build up the soul. Animals (sentient beings) may not qualify for a human soul so that is why they often don't reincarnate as humans. If an animal could somehow slip into the human kingdom; taking on a human soul for the first time, that person will have available within him/her only their animalistic instincts and a far less developed conscience. It will take thousands of life times for that person to finally have a modicum of consciousness. Could this be the reason why ancient Egyptians used to sacrifice certain animals? Is this a clue pointing to why often we see depictions of humans with animalistic features in ancient records? Perhaps the reason for such rituals was to assign that sacrificed animal to become a "guardian" for the animal kingdom—preventing other animals from entering the human realm. 

In modern times where animals are no longer sacrificed, we rather keep our pets on leashes or on farms. Please take note that I am in no way advocating the killing of animals. A dog for example; also known as man's best friend could be 'so close' to its human that it may start to adopt certain human behavior. This may well be the case of an animal slipping into the human realm after its death. Could this explain why we increasingly observe more animals in human skin (the elite), seeking to enslave humanity? How can an animal know that slave trade has passed? My own opinion suggests that these "elite" don't know and they are not to blame. Those who have some modicum of a developed conscience are the ones to blame for their own cowardice. We reincarnate not to engage in any kind of 'theft' yet we somehow become so distracted by the collective unconsciousness. The "elite" (animals in human clothing); as intellectually astute as they are, yet know nothing other than fear. They are constantly in the fight or flight mode; scanning for predators so they seek to control all aspects of human life. Perhaps in their past lives they were kept as pets on leashes now seeking to keep humans farmed on their nine to five jobs. They use force backed by violence to make us pay taxes—which is indeed 'theft.' Since governments are ruled by fear which in turn feeds the central computer, we are constantly bombarded with fear based tactics. TV, Religions, divide and conquer strategies, intimidations and terrorism all have one goal; to enslave you. Of course the so called "off world overlords" will find these groups of people favorable and easy to infiltrate. The so called "ruling class" are just conduits of low vibratory energies that seek to keep the expansion of human consciousness at bey. 

If a person has acquired certain technics to be able to project probable futures; sometimes making very accurate prophecies done in the mood of fear; what will be seen will only be realities with dis-ease and destruction. It is my own opinion that the very idea of government comes from the fear of the future. There is no such thing as love in government. Those in the political arena don't love you; they fear 'you', that is why they seek to control every aspect of your life. Prophecies (in scriptures or by modern day prophets) are dangerous because they just trick us into creating 'scripted' realities. We humans have the gift of freewill; our unpredictableness is what the "elite" hate to the core. Let us examine who are the makers of this central computer. In ancient records there are depictions of certain Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses called the "Anunna" (Anunnaki); meaning those who from the heavens to earth came. In Biblical terms they are called the Elohim (in plural) which may indicate that they were many of these so called "Gods." The depictions in the Sumerian tablets portray beings with fish-like skins; humanoid bodies with bird heads or legs; serpent Gods and Goddesses etc. These may be clues of a more Atlantean time when genetic splicing was rampant. All of these accounts where purposefully left out of the Bible. The records which were "less" of a threat to the control system were then authorized by King James (a freemason). Although the Bible may still carry a lot of truths within it which one ought to know; it is still an incomplete compilation of books translated from older scriptures because it was written by men who may have had their own agenda. 

It is for this reason I say if a tyrant wants to control a population, one of the things that tyrant will give to the target population is religion; for the masses will gradually loose the spirit to rebel against a tyrannical system. Regardless of who interprets any scripture, they will find countless ways to justify obedience to any authority. Whether it is a belief in the authority of government, a belief in a prophet or a belief in the second coming of a savior; people will not revolt against the slavery which may be taking place right before their eyes. We somehow still can't see the message from a man called Jesus (whether he existed or not); who was a 'man' of flesh and blood yet filled with the Christ consciousness. We are the solution! There is no being that will suddenly fall from the sky to save us. The beings that gave us our religions of today are the same beings who genetically modified our bodies. Yes you heard me well...what you think you already knew about this reality is about to be shattered! 

In the beginning man was one with the animal kingdom yet his 'potential' for 'higher consciousness' was what made him 'superior' to other animals of the earth. Evolving at our own pace as sapiens; suddenly a group of beings from the heavens came and saw earth's paradise and resources. They saw man as a mining tool for gold. A faction of this group of beings/brothers called "Enki" and "Enlil" saw that the early man will never accept to become slave workers. One of them had this genius idea to temper with man's DNA, thus making man in their own image. Does this sound familiar? These reptilian beings gave us their mind, hence the R-complex of our brains (the oldest part of the brain). Since these "new man" was created, a faction of  these beings called Enlil, was proud of its creation. In ancient records, these serpent gods were called "Hu." After the genetic manipulation of man, we became hu-man (with chunks of DNA shut off). In order to maintain control and avoid rebellion from the new slave workers; Enlil demanded we worship him as "God" or else we will be punished in fire—after all he created us! The one who 'knows'; the serpent being that saw this as an abomination decided to offer to the hu-mans the knowledge of the gods. This resulted in the first eye opening event; some will call this "Enki's gift"—a reawakening of man's DNA. Ever since these two brothers have been in a fight; name calling (good vs evil). This reality has been turned upside down. We have somewhat been misled into believing that what is actually good is evil and what is evil is good. 

The savior is 'us'. We should not get caught up in the fight or glamour of one of these beings. Even though we may have been gifted with the ability to know right from wrong, these beings are still reptilian. They may still have an agenda unknown to humans, thus they are all mischief doers. There are no beings coming to save us from ourselves, only love and expanded consciousness will. Some may be constantly waiting for the return of a savior (Jesus) yet the very idea of someone in modern times rising up and announcing that he is the "Christ" we've all been waiting for, will leave people confused—calling him a false prophet. I may add that not only 'one' person can qualify for such enlightenment; we all have that capacity to become truly enlightened to the point of Christ consciousness. It is for this reason I suspect that 'most' of the Bible was intended to 'confuse' rather than help us expand in consciousness. This confusion can be seen between the various religions. Although each an every one may carry significant portions of truth within them; it still falls short of helping humanity unite as one in peace, truth and in freedom. We still see people switching and converting from one religion to the other. Of course people's choices are to be respected yet when it comes to the dis-ease and the enslavement of humanity as a whole; one needs to loosen attention from the white clouds above and 'pay' attention to the incrementalism towards total enslavement of the masses. If ever something or some unknown craft from the sky comes down; what has returned is not here to save you. Remember who created you to be a hu-man! 

Perhaps the knowledge that we all may have used during our past lives is that which has been hidden (Occulted) from us. We currently live in an Occultocracy yet we are beginning see some manner of rebellion from 'small pockets' of humanity. The invention of the decentralized cryptocurrencies (Bitcoins, ethereum and steem etc...) are just creations that make the current governments and banks obsolete—real protest! What makes this inventions so attractive and different is the fact that the currencies are encrypted; making it pretty hard for governments to crack and control. In order for me to contribute (in a unique way) to sovereignty and to the awakening process; I have created a platform for humanitarian projects called Co.Producer Labs

This platform will be available world wide and I can already feel this will catch the attention of most anarchist out there together with the mind's eye of the masses. Within each and every one of us are seeds; when properly nurtured, we will see the flowering of consciousness—from the seeds of the inner eye. Let us not get lost with the 'internet'  but maintain balance by diving into the 'inner net'. I will explain more about this platform in later articles so thank you for your precious time. If you liked it, please feel free to like/follow and share this page. Stay tuned!

Daryl A. (founder at Co.Producer Labs)


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