The God concept; part 2: What is God? Introduction.steemCreated with Sketch.


The more we study the ancient cultures of the world, the more we reveal that every culture throughout earths history has either been spiritual, religious; or both.

Some cultures use plants as medicine, and communicate and are in tune with their natural environment in various ways - such as shamanic cultures.

Some cultures use meditation as a modality to tune into the no-thingness of the non-reality which they would consider actual reality - such as Buddhist ones.

Some cultures pray to different Gods which may symbolically embody certain characteristics, ones which the people of said culture themselves wish to embody.

Some cultures may pray to or worship different Gods which are actually "star people" who have come down to earth at one point or another.

And then there are mystery schools and Gnostic sects.

Occult sciences that claim to tell the nature of the universe.

There are religions of various natures.

There are people who believe there is one God because everything is a part of God, and there are people who believe that there is one God, and that this God is the entity that they worship.

All of these creeds have various things in common with other creeds.

All of these creeds are either searching for, claim to have found , or are in contact with, a higher power.

Perhaps this "higher power", is the same force that is also deemed "God".

And so, since so many cultures could not have ALL been wrong, the purpose of this series will be to ask, and hopefully answer, the question : "What is God?"

Throughout this series, we will look at both the most obvious possibilities, as well as the not so obvious - in order to inspire critical thought and heated discussion.

And so without further adue.....

Lets move on.

Shall we?


Lookout for the next installment:
The God concept; part 2: What is God? section A: Is God an entity?


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