Starseed talk; On crucifying your ego and marrying your inner Christ: sacrificing who you think you are to become one with God.steemCreated with Sketch.


As neophytes in the ceremony of initiation that is life, our job is to continuously become more aware of our true nature and to open ourselves up to this true aspect of ourselves so that we may continuously improve.

In order to do this, we must sacrifice the "comfort" and "security" of mundane, material existence, and make a conscious effort to always become more, while needing less.

One of the most destructive hindrances to spiritual evolution is a big ego.
in this installment, I will explain how to "crucify" your ego, and ascend into a state of oneness with all that is through the annoition of your christed self,.

So, what is ego?

Ego is a method of identification: that is to say, it is identification with what you imagine to be "you", but what is really the false you.

Ego is how we see ourselves through the eyes of physicality, through the eyes of what we have experienced, and who we think we are based on what we can tangibly identify with.

It is an identity we have forged for ourselves both as a protection mechanism, and for various other purposes.

Although ego is what you think of as your identity, it is the opposite of what you actually are; the spiritual essence of God.

You could say that Ego is the opposite of God, or that ego is the "who", and God is the "what".

Yet the paradox of that is that the "what" is actually the only truth, and the "who" is indeed a created aspect of the what.

The eyes of ego see you as separate from the rest of life - as a drop in the ocean rather than the ocean in a drop.

Ego can be useful for many reasons, and allows us to experience physical, individual life; but for those who have experienced even a taste of oneness, and want to ascend in consciousness to experience more; ego is useless.

Those who wish to ascend in consciousness in a dramatic way to experience a constant state of oneness must crucify their egoic identity to become one with their God-self.

What is Crucifixion, and how does one go about crucifying their ego?

Crucifixion can be seen as the ultimate act of sacrifice: at least, that is how we will be looking at it for the purpose explanation.

While nailed to a cross, ones body is then dragged through the street and put through much torment.

This torment is meant to last as long as possible and cause much suffering.


When Yeshua the Christed one allowed his body to be crucified (he did it of his own will), he was sacrificing his body, as well as his egoic identity.

In fact, in the act of allowing his body to be crucified, HE WAS sacrificing his ego, as identification as his body would be his egoic identity.

By willingly allowing his body to be crucified, Yeshua shows that he is not identifying with his ego, but with the highest essence of who he was at his core - God.

Everything is God at its core, yet those not in touch with this aspect of creation identify as ego.

When yeshua was hung on the cross, by not resisting he was not identifying with ego: and accepted the death of his ego.

He allowed his egoic identity to be crucified and in this ultimate act of sacrifice morphed fully into his higher self as a being of light.


You don't have to die to crucify your ego.

Although this is how Yeshua did it, this is not the only way it can be done.

Rather, he did it this way because he had to.

We can crucify our ego metaphorically, by choosing not to identify with who we are physically or in terms of what we have experienced; but rather with the state of oneness which is closest to what we can only know as "God".

As we rise in consciousness, and move into a vibration of oneness: we crucify our ego by not identifying with it.

As we begin to ascend into a state of oneness, our ego will attack us. It will make us think that we are in danger.
It will make you think that because you are on a vibration of love, others will attack you.

But as you continue to not identify with ego, it will slowly shrink in import; it will eventually become essentially non-existent as you no longer identify with it and lock in this vibration of oneness.

As we do this, we crucify our ego in an act of sacrifice to become anointed with our highest selves.

Marrying your christed self.



what is marriage?

Marriage is a union, a joining of two things, so as to become one.

The word Christ means to be annointed, which is to become initiated into an order, symbolized by the rubbing of oil on ones forehead.

And so, marrying your inner Christ is about becoming initiated into the higher order that is oneness, and marrying that aspect of yourself.


As you begin to identify with the aspect of your being-ness which is closet to God, and recede away from identification with ego, you are already on your way.

To crucify your ego so that it becomes as nothing , you will have to begin to only identify as that part of your which has no identity - that part of you which is God.

This means not seeing yourself as higher or lower than others, and it means doing what is best for the all rather than what is best for you.

After all, if you are one with life, then there really is no "you".

I hope you enjoyed this, and I appreciate your attention.

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P.S. - our next installment will be: The God concept, part 2: what is God?

Img-sources: 1 , 2 , 3


I like the overall message of becoming a better person by becoming one with all in harmony with all. I also like the graphic art. I believe that we need the ego, that's why it's there. Just like we need all emotions. For example; anger is not bad, it's needed to let the person know to deal with the cause of the disharmony. Now too much anger is not beneficial (rage, bad temper). Love is beneficial, too much love becomes obsession. Drinking water is good, too much and you drown (suffocate). The problem is imbalance. Humanity have too much ego (consciousness) not enough subconsciousness. To much masculinity not enough femininity. We need balance because if the ego disappears then is still would be an imbalance and there would different types of undesirable consequences.

I think we need it to even be in a physical body, but I also think we should strive to overcome its limitations.

This post is more metaphorical then anything, as I recognize that you cant really remove the ego, but must ascend into higher states of existance where there is less and less individualization - at least thats how I see it.

Excellent post. Thank you for the share and Steem On!


Find your inner eye indeed.

Great quality post, thanks for sharing. I've been doing this thing where every time I post some content I try and find 1/2 posts to resteem and this one is definitely it! Check out some of my posts if you'd like to return the favor and upvote. Looking forward to the next installment :)

Upped. But in my opinion the Ego does not need to be eliminated. We would not have it if we didn't need it. It serves a purpose. It should not run the show, or limit us, or prevent us from seeing us as one with Source.

As Shiva wears the Snake around his neck we can wear the Ego as an Ornament rather than let it run or ruin the show and dictate our actions.

But we have to take control of the ego.
We have to dominate it, and we have to kill that part of ourselves which accelerates the dominance of our ego.

Please read the post and tell me what you think, if you can.

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