Philosophical Discussion Panel; What would you do everyday if money was of no object?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Nature is perfectly balanced, and there is rarely any scarcity or lack of growth except when due to man-orchestrated events.

In other words, we need money to buy eggs only because we do not own hens.
And we need to buy apples only because the local trees have been cut down.

It is evident that capitalism not only makes way for, but perpetuates, the idea and experience of poverty.

In our current globally accepted financial systems, poverty is the price of capitalism.

But the only reason we need money in the first place, is because we have forgotten the natural abundance of the universe.

If all of a sudden you found that you never needed money again, for whatever reason, how would you change the way you live your life?

Would you finally finish that creative project?

Maybe you would start a business based on your interests, or a not-for-profit, or an organization or meetup group.

What would you do?

Do you have any passions,? ....Things that you feel like you have to do, things that you love to do, things that you need to create?

What would you do if money was of no object to you?

IS money of no object to you?

Many people think of money as their God and Master.

But why?

Is a paper commodity of such use that it needs to define forever the only aspect of our abundance?

What is money to you?

It is a means of exchange.

Which is beautiful,


But, even though money can be beautiful, ... does it really need to take priority in our lives, especially if we do not need to rely on it?

If you did not need to make money, how would your life be different? Would you structure your time and space differently?

What is your relationship with money, and how does this relate to how you are currently living your passion?

Do you live your passion everyday?

Do you trade your time for money?

What is your relationship to the passion / finance paradigm ?

Do you love what you do but hate what you get paid?

Do you hate or dislike what you do and love what you get paid?

If you did not have to rely on or depend on the commodity of paper bills and account numbers, but instead could live comfortably and do anything that your heart desires......what would you do?

How would you structure you day if you never needed to make money again?

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I would do very similar things with my time as I do now: write, make art, garden, teach people how to solve complex problems, and generally do my bit to make the world more interesting and less dishonest. But, with money, my efforts along these lines would likely have a far greater impact.

I would spend more time with my 4 year old boy. I am a single father, so he is at daycare while I work. His mother decided drugs were more important. But my boy is my EVERYTHING. And I have to do whatever I can to give him the Best life I can

I need to figure out how to make one of those $1000 posts.

Within 12 years max there will be no money/currency exchanged on this planet- money is an illusion of value where the only true value is found in the fruits of our thoughts and labor. Money was a construct imposed to capture your creative energy and minimize the widespread benefit it would otherwise naturally have.

Babylonian money majik is evil and designed to control other beings- we are not rats in a wheel unless we consent to being- I no longer consent.

So how do you design your life based on that knowledge. Do you still rely on money for certain things?

Yes. I do! Everyone has bills to pay...that's how it works. A few will get lucky and have an easier path. But you have to know that everyone is fighting their own battles.

Money is a construct intended to control- there is no need for money- release technologies that will make money obsolete- and that's why they don't.

Just followed you! How do I make money not as important, if I have bills to pay?

12 years is quite the prediction.. How did you come to that conclusion? Also how would you deal with the people who don't agree with you? I like the idea of doing things that benefit people as opposed to oppress or hurt people, but there are others who might oppose this. Would be interested to hear what you plan is to make this happen.

I think you first need to have money before you can know how to have a balance. Those who say they do not want money, or hate money, just resent it due to lack. It is a question I would ask the richest of this world, how do you see money?

I think using food is a good analogy for this. Depending on where you live, you either have access to tremendous amounts of food, or you don't. Given a situation where food is in abundance, what happens? good example could be the US, where there is a serious problem with Obesity. Does that happen where there is no food? Sure, people with no money think money is evil, but in reality it's just a tool. give an average person a tool and tell them to build something and compare that to a giving a tool to a person who knows how to use it. What do you get? A look around at this world and you can already see that having money does not equate to "balance" as you say.. As long as money is tied to Power, and power corrupts, then there will be the opposite of balance. I think, people who have a lot of money don't care about the money (as it's all digits on a screen) they care about the power they can get by having that money.

That's a highly complicated question. I think the idea of what I would be doing if money wasn't a factor couldn't be the same once it isn't. Meaning that if tomorrow my world or the world around us didn't need money anymore I would probably say I would focus my efforts on building communities and finding ways to rehabilitate the environment as well as people. But given the reality of how we could achieve a world without money, the process and time it would take for us as a species to reach that stage would require so much change that it would change the way I think and also in turn my interests.

I've often pondered the question and whether or not we have an innate selfishness as a species that always turns us to Greed when given the opportunity, but I have faith in humanity, thus I've started to work on a project that I hope one day could lead to our rehabilitation. Most of us are conditioned, so the process of unlearning can take generations but it's not impossible..

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