Hindu Theology; Karma, Samsara, Dharma and Moksha.steemCreated with Sketch.


Karma is Cause and effect.

Karma is a force of Nature - Akin to the Law of attraction - that attracts to you (energetically) that which your actions put out. The vibrations your actions radiate are returned to you.

This is because like energy attracts like energy.

Our thoughts, words and deeds determine what we physically attract to ourselves (to our being) in terms of Karma.

When we act not in Gods will but out of discord and/or illusion, we accumulate karma for ourselves and lock ourselves into a cycle of Samsara.

Both good and bad Karma are in tandem; Accumulating Karma is a result of believing in the Maya of physicality, and refusing to rise above this illusion.

Thus, Karma is a physical force that affects those in the illusion of physicality.

Karma has to do with physical nature, and the physical realm.
Transgression of the physical realm implies transgression of Karma....(vice versa).

Being lost in Maya (the illusion of physicality, separation), attracts Karma and keeps us in a cycle of Samsara ; cyclical reincarnation upon planet earth as a physical being.

Karma is not only the effect of our causes (actions) in this lifetime, but manifests and determines how we will incarnate in the next lifetime.

Liberation from Samsara is manifested through following ones spiritual Dharma ;
by choosing to evolve spiritually and radiate peace and harmony.

Only following our highest Dharma (Duty) can lead to Moksha, which is liberation from Samsara.

Moksha, principally, is the same concept as Nirvana; it is liberation though enlightenment.

However Nirvana is classified as liberation from suffering, and is Buddhist, while Moksha is classified as liberation from Samsara, and is Hindu.

Attaining Moksha or Nirvana is a result of becoming Simhadi ; entering into a space of oneness with The ALL : which is the force of all things, beings and universes.

Simhadi is coming into a space of oneness with the Life force, It is when Atman vanishes into Paramatman..

When the soul of the individual dissolves into the soul of the eternal creator.

Coming into this space of oneness is an important step of spiritual evolution (it is a continuing aspect of self realization).

Spiritual evolution is one's highest duty to self and God; it is ones highest Dharma.

By not following ones Dharma to evolve spiritually, one bequeaths the continuation of cyclical reincarnation for himself; eternally trapped in a cycle of death and rebirth, remaining in the Maya of physicality; attracting Karma.

However, choosing to evolve spiritually bequeaths ascension; a gradual returning to God-source, which is a returning to wholeness.


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Thank you for the illuminating explanation. How does on ascend in dharma? Is it with each new reincarnation?

Karma is the way the universe stays in balance :-) Great article.

This was really nice and reminds me continuously how satanadharma was more a philosophy of selflove and enlightenment. It spoke of things quantum physicists are only now discovering.

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