Continuous Failure = Inevitable successsteemCreated with Sketch.

We are born into this world with little guidance; most of us immediately thrown into the education / indoctrination system.

Quite a few of us are forced to mentally raise ourselves.

When we make errors, society paints them as mistakes.

Society teaches us we should never make mistakes.

And they lie.

Making mistakes is fundamental to success.

You will almost ALWAYS make mistakes. And because you are human, you can learn from these mistakes.

The ability to learn from mistakes is what leads to success.

Even if you fine tune your path to success by listening to many mentors and gurus on the subject: you are still learning from THEIR mistakes.

And if not; they are still learning from their mentors mistakes and so on and so forth.

Thus it can be noted that mistakes are the richest quality ingredient in the formulation of success.

Without mistakes, one cannot succeed.

And so, if you want success and you don't want to wait another 20 years: just do it.

I know I am sounding a little like the shoe company associated with the goddess of victory (Nike), but I'm serious.

The best thing you can do to succeed, is do things in the now.

Try things and fail.

At least you'll know that those things wouldn't have worked for you.

Every time you "fail", or make a mistake: alter your algorithm.

Winners, are not people who never fail; but people who never quit ~ Credit

......P.S......Were trying to build a website........

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Food for thoughts. Shared in facebook. Thank you.

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