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RE: Something I'd really like people to understand... disagreement is good. Don't so quickly consider it trolling.

in #philosophy7 years ago

For me it's called freedom, I just about fell in a trap yesterday at:
Just change user name, for all you want & Don't want to know.
I was Muted right off by 3 people, Why ? I'll never know, nor do I care to know.
1 person farther down the list did the same, well I looked him up and Muted Him, but regretted it instantly ! People do Not make my decisions for me ! I do it myself. Based on reasoning no emotions. If I want to do something, that's my choice. Attack in any way you want , I Am a free thinking individual. and its going to stay that way, I can't control what other people are thinking, nor do I want to. I'm far too busy working on why I think the way I do. If some distant nobody can adversely affect me, just imagine what people I let into my life can do ?
The people close to me know, don't bother, but some dude I'll never meet Is Insignificant
Just my 1 cent worth hehe

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