An analogy on positive thought to create

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

I am still weaning off facebook. I will stay there if the world magically changes to be made of truth, but if nothing changes, I will be deleting my profile soon. I wrote this recently and really want to share it here also. I have been posting only about pedogate and related material for a few weeks now.

I can't stop and I won't stop, there has never been anything more important. Its more important than me or you. As a unified peaceful coalition, we meet the beast. If you can't see it, don't let it worry you, its just a dream. Go back to sleep. Something will wake you up again in ..... mmmmmmmm..... 26,000 years? For my naysaying, Trump hating, pedo supporting 'friends'

Since discovering we are creators, many, including myself, thought that if we concentrate on the positive, that is what makes our reality a positive place. It did not and does not work this way. I will use an analogy to help. The kitchen floor is dirty. You can put a pretty rug over it, but its still dirty. If you look at the dirt without judgement, its just dirt after all, you will see it just needs sweeping (there is no right or wrong since it is all made up, but eliminating physical suffering is the next 'goal' our souls have set, so off we go). You must pull it out of all the corners to the middle of the floor (for all to see). Use a bright light to check under the edges of the cabinet, (illuminate the unknown). The rug buys time, gives you a clean surface to stand on, but will ultimately need washing too. This is going to be messy. I don't want to make any big predictions, because conditions are in our hands and change all the time based on what the majority is doing about their kitchen floors (agreed upon collective reality). I have felt there will be a time that we will exist without electricity for some reason, perhaps temporarily, or perhaps one day humans see the folly of it and realize how much it messes up the rhythm of life. yes I am using electricity and yes i have a lot of electrical products and electronic devices to tweet and type on.... but it is because this is where we are now. This society operates on this level. If we lived in villages, using our creator given ability to skype via our minds, and relearn how to teleport.... electricity is useless and or unnecessary- at least in the form it exists in today. Good morning and buckle up! Feel the weird energies today?


How is it that this post has 58 votes but only 6 views? people just randomly thumbed it up?

its called autovoting , people are on trails and follow each other, it's purely mechanial ad we all suffer :D , nobody reads, so posts get disregarded, and your writing sucks :D , haven't read it so I'm just joking I will check back later since I'm out for now , cheers for now and good luck , don't give a damn, just grow and don't mind the fact that effort is neglected sometimes, it pays off in the end, maybe not here , but experience is worth more than crypto

this particular post is poor writing, is why the votes surprised me. lol Sometimes I am struck by inspiration but then when I try to call it back later in front of computer it comes out differently. Thank you for answering me.

oh yeah same here, I start out with some goals , but if i don't have half of the text written down , many parallels arise and it just changes its form and this is for blogs and articles , it it's a book I'm not sure how it will go writing is a great skill , the books I've read(not a lot) but the narratives the characters , can't imagine doing that it would take so much time , to work everything out.

But yes , there are voter trails , I remember checking my steemd page and reading smthbot1 ,2,3 and 10 other people voting at once , its basically a app for the platform that does curation for you , trending and such , but to tell you the truth , I've kind of got the hang of the "game" either go all out on creation or go all in on curation , that's it , either get public and write good, or get money and have your vote count so you make returns , but getting whales, I'm not getting he idea if they are active you cant possibly "beat them" they are here and are stronger unless they give up you cant stand up to them , it's a idea for a post tho :D I'm thinking too much ,

I will do a short post since I have a few ideas lined up and I wanted to see if they will be interesting , so you are welcome to give your 2 cents , my topics are work play and train , i tend to go way off tangents , since I would like more free thinking people that read and converse , that would be my ideal , to hold a real conversation , for the platform , for people and for their reactions. Once I cover 30 posts of each I will probably go on something different, maybe start the food blogs :D and the pictures and paintings and drawings , if I have the time :)

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